§ 21-8-33. Existing laws unaffected by reorganization; application of civil service laws.
All laws governing any municipality coming under the provisions of this chapter which are not inconsistent with the provisions hereof respecting the mayor-council form of government shall apply to and govern such municipalities respectively when they shall come under the mayor-council form. All orders, ordinances or resolutions heretofore adopted by a municipality adopting the mayor-council form of government shall remain in full force and effect until altered or repealed by the council established hereunder, and all of the provisions of the civil service acts applying to any municipality adopting the mayor-council form of government at the time of such adoption shall continue to apply in full force and effect to such municipality after adoption of such mayor-council form of government. The board of civil service commissioners existing and operating under the former plan of government shall continue to operate without interruption or impairment under the mayor-council form of government. All rights, privileges, and advantages of all employees coming under the civil service acts applying to said municipality at the time of adoption shall remain in full force and effect and shall in nowise be impaired, altered, or changed by such adoption, except as otherwise provided by this chapter. After the election and taking of office of the councilmen and mayor under the mayor-council form of government, all functions and duties of every nature that would have otherwise been performed by the governing body under the previous form of government in relation to such civil service acts shall thereafter be exercised and performed by the municipal council under the mayor-council form of government except that all appointments of employees coming under the provisions of such civil service acts shall be made, subject to such civil service acts, by the mayor, but all appointments made prior to the change to the mayor-council form shall remain in full force and effect.
Sources: Laws, 1973, ch. 328, § 17; Laws, 1976, ch. 355, § 15, eff from and after August 23, 1976 (the date the United States Attorney General interposed no objection to this amendment).