§ 21-9-19. Conduct of municipal council election; declaring results.
At all elections held to choose a mayor and councilmen, or any of them, the choice of the person or persons voting shall be indicated and the ballots shall be marked in like manner as is provided by law for general state and county elections. In all cases in which two or more persons are to be elected to the same office, the failure on the part of any elector to indicate his choice for as many candidates as there are officers to be elected to such office, shall render his ballot void as to any candidate voted for by him for such office.
The managers of election at all special and general elections for mayor and councilmen, or any of them, shall immediately, upon the closing of the polls, count the ballots and ascertain the number of votes cast in each voting precinct for each of the candidates and make return thereof to the municipal election commissioners. On the day following any special or general election, the said election commissioners shall canvass said returns so received from all the voting precincts, and shall within five days after such special or general election, deliver to each person receiving the highest number of votes a certificate of election. If it shall appear by the returns that any two candidates for mayor or councilmen, have received an equal number of votes, the election shall be decided by lot, fairly and publicly drawn by the election commissioners, with the aid of a friend of each such candidates, and a certificate of election shall be given accordingly.
The election commissioners shall, within five days after any special or general election, certify to the secretary of state the name or names of the person or persons elected at such special or general election, and the secretary of state shall, immediately upon receiving such certificates, deliver the same to the governor, who shall immediately issue commissions to the persons mentioned in certificate.
Sources: Codes, 1942, §§ 3825.5-11, 3825.5-12; Laws, 1948, ch. 385, §§ 11, 12.