§ 21-9-29. Duties of city manager.
The city manager shall, subject to law:
(a) be responsible to the council for the entire administration of the city government;
(b) prepare and recommend to the council an annual budget;
(c) administer and secure the enforcement of all laws and ordinances of the city;
(d) appoint and remove all department heads and other employees of the city, except that notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, the council shall appoint the city attorney, the auditor, and the police justice, if any, and the council may, in its discretion, appoint the city clerk and treasurer;
(e) supervise and control all department heads and other employees and their subordinates;
(f) negotiate contracts and make all purchases for the city, subject to existing laws and subject to the approval of the council;
(g) see that all terms and conditions imposed in favor of the city or its inhabitants in any statute or municipal ordinance regarding public utility franchises or other contracts are faithfully kept and performed, and upon knowledge of any violation thereof call the same to the attention of the council;
(h) make such recommendations to the council as he may deem expedient or necessary;
(i) make reports or recommendations to the council upon request, and at least once a year present a written report of his work and the financial condition of the city for the information of the council and of the public;
(j) perform such other duties as may be required by ordinance or resolution of the city council.
Sources: Codes, 1942, §§ 3825.5-17, 3825.5-27; Laws, 1948, ch. 385, §§ 17, 27; Laws, 1950, ch. 503, § 2; Laws, 1952, ch. 372, §§ 12, 14.