§ 25-53-29. Powers and responsibilities of authority.
(1) For the purposes of this section the term "bureau" shall mean the "Mississippi Department of Information Technology Services". The authority shall have the following powers and responsibilities to carry out the establishment of policy and provide for long range planning and consulting:
(a) Provide a high level of technical expertise for agencies, institutions, political subdivisions and other governmental entities as follows: planning; consulting; project management; systems and performance review; system definition; design; application programming; training; development and documentation; implementation; maintenance; and other tasks as may be required, within the resources available to the bureau.
(b) Publish written planning guides, policies and procedures for use by agencies and institutions in planning future electronic information service systems. The bureau may require agencies and institutions to submit data, including periodic electronic equipment inventory listings, information on agency staffing, systems under study, planned applications for the future, and other information needed for the purposes of preparing the state master plan. The bureau may require agencies and institutions to submit any additional data required for purposes of preparing the state master plan.
(c) Inspect agency facilities and equipment, interview agency employees and review records at any time deemed necessary by the bureau for the purpose of identifying cost-effective applications of electronic information technology. Upon conclusion of any inspection, the bureau shall issue a management letter containing cost estimates and recommendations to the agency head and governing board concerning applications identified that would result in staff reductions, other monetary savings and improved delivery of public services.
(d) Conduct classroom and on-site training for end users for applications and systems developed by the bureau.
(e) Provide consulting services to agencies and institutions or Mississippi governmental subdivisions requesting technical assistance in electronic information services technology applications and systems. The bureau may submit proposals and enter into contracts to provide services to agencies and institutions or governmental subdivisions for such purposes.
(2) The bureau shall annually issue a three-year master plan in writing to the Governor, available on request to any member of the Legislature, including recommended statewide strategies and goals for the effective and efficient use of information technology and services in state government. The report shall also include recommended information policy actions and other recommendations for consideration by the Governor and members of the Legislature.
(3) The bureau shall make an annual report in writing to the Governor, available on request to any member of the Legislature, to include a full and detailed account of the work of the authority for the preceding year. The report shall contain recommendations to agencies and institutions resulting from inspections or consulting contracts. The report shall also contain a summary of the master plan, progress made, and legislative and policy recommendations for consideration by the Governor and members of the Legislature.
(4) The bureau may charge fees to agencies and institutions for services rendered to them. The amounts of such fees shall be set by the authority upon recommendation of the Executive Director of the MDITS, and all such fees collected shall be paid into the fund established for carrying out the purposes of this section.
(5) It is the intention of the Legislature that the employees of the bureau performing services defined by Section 25-53-29 be staffed by highly qualified persons possessing technical, consulting and programming expertise. Such employees shall be considered nonstate service employees as defined in Section 25-9-107 (c)(x) and may be compensated at a rate comparable to the prevailing rate of individuals in qualified professional consulting firms in the private sector. Such compensation rates shall be determined by the State Personnel Director. The number of such positions shall be set by annual appropriation of the Legislature. Qualifications and compensation of the bureau employees shall be set by the State Personnel Board upon recommendation of the Executive Director of the MDITS. The total number of positions and classification of positions may be increased or decreased during a fiscal year depending upon work load and availability of funds.
(6) The bureau may, from time to time, at the discretion of the Executive Director of the MDITS, contract with firms or qualified individuals to be used to augment the bureau's professional staff in order to assure timely completion and implementation of assigned tasks, provided that funds are available in the fund established for carrying out the purposes of this section. Such individuals may be employees of any agency, bureau or institution provided that these individuals or firms meet the requirements of other individuals or firms doing business with the state through the Mississippi Department of Information Technology Services. Individuals who are employees of an agency or institution may contract with the Mississippi Department of Information Technology Services only with the concurrence of the agency or institution for whom they are employed.
Sources: Laws, 1984, ch. 488, § 285; Laws, 1985, ch. 525, § 11; Laws, 1995, ch. 622, § 7, eff from and after July 1, 1995.