§ 27-105-343. Chancery clerks to perform duties of county treasurers.
From and after the passage of this section, all the duties except the duty of receiving and disbursing money that were imposed by law on county treasurers shall be required to be done by chancery clerks, and they shall be the custodians of all the books, records, papers, and vouchers heretofore belonging to county treasurers, and shall be custodians of all the promissory notes, bonds, and other like property belonging to or deposited with the county, and said clerks shall in all respects be liable on their official bonds for the proper care of the same.
The duty of receipting for and disbursing all monies heretofore deposited with county treasurers shall be done and performed by the designated county and drainage district depositories appointed in the manner provided by law; and any person or corporation required to pay money into a county treasury shall hereafter pay the same to a properly designated depository and such depository shall issue receipts therefor in duplicate, one of which shall be filed with the chancery clerk and the other retained by the person or corporation making such payment, and such payment when made to a designated depository shall discharge the person or corporation making such payment from any further liability therefor.
In the event there shall be no designated depository for any money required to be paid into a county treasury, such payment shall be made to the tax collector who shall receipt for same in duplicate as required in the preceding paragraph and shall pay the same over to a legally appointed depository within ten (10) days after one is qualified to receive the same. The tax collector shall be the custodian of all money belonging to a county or any subdivision thereof until there be appointed a depository for any such funds and the said tax collectors shall be liable on their official bond for the proper accounting and payment of any funds so paid to them.
Boards of supervisors shall allow chancery clerks for their compensation for performance of the duties required of them by this section the sum of Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00) per annum.
Nothing in this section shall preclude drainage districts from selecting their treasurer or depository as now provided by law.
Sources: Codes, 1942, § 9165; Laws, 1932, ch. 207; Laws, 1968, ch. 361, § 14; Laws, 1981, ch. 497, § 3; Laws, 2004, ch. 505, § 12, eff August 19, 2004 (the date the United States Attorney General interposed no objection under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, to the amendment of this section.)