§ 27-21-1. Administration.
[Effective until July 1, 2010]
The administration of this chapter is vested in and shall be exercised by the chairman of the state tax commission, hereinafter referred to as commissioner, and who may do any act required in the administration of said law by and through his duly appointed and constituted deputies or agents, who shall serve under him, and shall perform such duties as may be required by the commissioner, including the signing of notices, warrants and such other documents as may be specifically designated by the commissioner, not inconsistent with this chapter. The chairman of the state tax commission, as commissioner, may require the assistance of and act through the attorney general, prosecuting attorney of any county, or any district attorney, or any attorney for the commission. The said chairman may, with the assent of the governor, employ special counsel in any county to aid the prosecuting attorney of such county or the attorney general or district attorney, and the compensation of such special counsel shall be fixed by and paid only upon the approval of the governor; but the attorney general, district attorney or prosecuting attorney of any county shall receive no fees or compensation for services rendered in enforcing this chapter in addition to the salary paid such officer.
[Effective from and after July 1, 2010]
The administration of this chapter is vested in and shall be exercised by the Commissioner of Revenue of the Department of Revenue, hereinafter referred to as commissioner, and who may do any act required in the administration of the law by and through his duly appointed and constituted deputies or agents, who shall serve under him, and shall perform such duties as may be required by the commissioner, including the signing of notices, warrants and such other documents as may be specifically designated by the commissioner, not inconsistent with this chapter. The Commissioner of Revenue of the Department of Revenue, as commissioner, may require the assistance of and act through the Attorney General, prosecuting attorney of any county, or any district attorney, or any attorney for the department. The commissioner may, with the assent of the Governor, employ special counsel in any county to aid the prosecuting attorney of such county or the Attorney General or district attorney, and the compensation of such special counsel shall be fixed by and paid only upon the approval of the Governor; but the Attorney General, district attorney or prosecuting attorney of any county shall receive no fees or compensation for services rendered in enforcing this chapter in addition to the salary paid such officer.
Sources: Codes, 1942, § 9347; Laws, 1940, ch. 110; Laws, 2009, ch. 492, § 60, eff from and after July 1, 2010.