§ 27-25-501. Definitions.
[Effective until July 1, 2010]
Whenever used in this article, the following words and terms shall have the definition and meaning ascribed to them in this section, unless the intention to give a more limited meaning is disclosed by the context:
(a) "Tax commission" means the Tax Commission of the State of Mississippi.
(b) "Commissioner" means the Chairman of the State Tax Commission.
(c) "Annual" means the calendar year or the taxpayer's fiscal year when permission is obtained from the commissioner to use a fiscal year as a tax period in lieu of a calendar year.
(d) "Value" means the sale price, or market value, at the mouth of the well. If the oil is exchanged for something other than cash, or if there is no sale at the time of severance, or if the relation between the buyer and the seller is such that the consideration paid, if any, is not indicative of the true value or market price, then the commissioner shall determine the value of the oil subject to tax, considering the sale price for cash of oil of like quality. With respect to salvaged crude oil as hereinafter defined, the term "value" shall mean the sale price or market value of such salvaged crude oil at the time of its sale after such salvaged crude oil has been processed or treated so as to render it marketable.
(e) "Taxpayer" means any person liable for the tax imposed by this article. With respect to the tax imposed upon salvaged crude oil as hereafter defined, the term "taxpayer" shall mean the person having title to the salvaged crude oil at the time it is being processed or treated so as to render it marketable.
(f) "Oil" means petroleum, other crude oil, natural gasoline, distillate, condensate, casinghead gasoline, asphalt or other mineral oil which is mined, or produced, or withdrawn from below the surface of the soil or water, in this state. Any type of salvaged crude oil which, after any treatment, becomes marketable shall be defined as crude oil which has been severed from the soil or water.
(g) "Severed" means the extraction or withdrawing from below the surface of the soil or water of any oil, whether such extraction or withdrawal shall be by natural flow, mechanically enforced flow, pumping or any other means employed to get the oil from below the surface of the soil or water, and shall include the withdrawing by any means whatsoever of oil upon which the tax has not been paid, from any surface reservoir, natural or artificial, or from a water surface. Provided, however, that in the case of salvaged crude oil, "severed" means the process of treating such oil so that it will become marketable and the time of severance shall occur upon completion of the treatment.
(h) "Person" means any natural person, firm, copartnership, joint venture, association, corporation, estate, trust or any other group, or combination acting as a unit, and the plural as well as the singular number.
(i) "Producer" means any person owning, controlling, managing or leasing any oil property, or oil well, and any person who produces in any manner any oil by taking it from the earth or water in this state, and shall include any person owning any royalty or other interest in any oil or its value, whether produced by him, or by some other person on his behalf, either by lease contract or otherwise.
(j) "Engaging in business" means any act or acts engaged in (personal or corporate) by producers, or parties at interest, the result of which, oil is severed from the soil or water, for storage, transport or manufacture, or by which there is an exchange of money, or goods, or thing of value, for oil which has been or is in process of being severed, from the soil or water.
(k) "Barrel" for oil measurement, means a barrel of forty-two (42) United States gallons of two hundred thirty-one (231) cubic inches per gallon, computed at a temperature of sixty (60) degrees Fahrenheit.
(l) "Production" means the total gross amount of oil produced, including all royalty or other interest; that is, the amount for the purpose of the tax imposed by this article shall be measured or determined by tank tables compiled to show one hundred percent (100%) of the full capacity of tanks without deduction for overage or losses in handling. Allowance for any reasonable and bona fide deduction for basic sediment and water, and for correction of temperature to sixty (60) degrees Fahrenheit will be allowed. If the amount of oil produced has been measured or determined by tank tables compiled to show less than one hundred percent (100%) of the full capacity of tanks, then such amount shall be raised to a basis by one hundred percent (100%) for the purpose of the tax imposed by this article.
(m) "Gathering system" means the pipelines, pumps and other property used in gathering oil from the property on which it is produced, the tanks used for storage at a central place, loading racks and equipment for loading oil into tank cars or other transporting media, and all other equipment and appurtenances necessary to a gathering system for transferring oil into trunk pipelines.
(n) "Discovery well" means any well producing oil from a single pool in which a well has not been previously produced in paying quantities after testing.
(o) "Development wells" means all oil producing wells other than discovery wells and replacement wells.
(p) "Replacement well" means a well drilled on a drilling and/or production unit to replace another well which is drilled in the same unit and completed in the same pool.
(q) "Three-dimensional seismic" means data which is regularly organized in three (3) orthogonal directions and thus suitable for interpretation with a three-dimensional software package on an interactive work station.
(r) "Two-year inactive well" means any oil or gas well certified by the State Oil and Gas Board as having not produced oil or gas in more than a total of thirty (30) days during a twelve (12) consecutive month period in the two (2) years before the date of certification.
[Effective from and after July 1, 2010]
Whenever used in this article, the following words and terms shall have the definition and meaning ascribed to them in this section, unless the intention to give a more limited meaning is disclosed by the context:
(a) "Tax commission" or "department" means the Department of Revenue of the State of Mississippi.
(b) "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Revenue of the Department of Revenue.
(c) "Annual" means the calendar year or the taxpayer's fiscal year when permission is obtained from the commissioner to use a fiscal year as a tax period in lieu of a calendar year.
(d) "Value" means the sale price, or market value, at the mouth of the well. If the oil is exchanged for something other than cash, or if there is no sale at the time of severance, or if the relation between the buyer and the seller is such that the consideration paid, if any, is not indicative of the true value or market price, then the commissioner shall determine the value of the oil subject to tax, considering the sale price for cash of oil of like quality. With respect to salvaged crude oil as hereinafter defined, the term "value" shall mean the sale price or market value of such salvaged crude oil at the time of its sale after such salvaged crude oil has been processed or treated so as to render it marketable.
(e) "Taxpayer" means any person liable for the tax imposed by this article. With respect to the tax imposed upon salvaged crude oil as hereafter defined, the term "taxpayer" shall mean the person having title to the salvaged crude oil at the time it is being processed or treated so as to render it marketable.
(f) "Oil" means petroleum, other crude oil, natural gasoline, distillate, condensate, casinghead gasoline, asphalt or other mineral oil which is mined, or produced, or withdrawn from below the surface of the soil or water, in this state. Any type of salvaged crude oil which, after any treatment, becomes marketable shall be defined as crude oil which has been severed from the soil or water.
(g) "Severed" means the extraction or withdrawing from below the surface of the soil or water of any oil, whether such extraction or withdrawal shall be by natural flow, mechanically enforced flow, pumping or any other means employed to get the oil from below the surface of the soil or water, and shall include the withdrawing by any means whatsoever of oil upon which the tax has not been paid, from any surface reservoir, natural or artificial, or from a water surface. Provided, however, that in the case of salvaged crude oil, "severed" means the process of treating such oil so that it will become marketable and the time of severance shall occur upon completion of the treatment.
(h) "Person" means any natural person, firm, copartnership, joint venture, association, corporation, estate, trust or any other group, or combination acting as a unit, and the plural as well as the singular number.
(i) "Producer" means any person owning, controlling, managing or leasing any oil property, or oil well, and any person who produces in any manner any oil by taking it from the earth or water in this state, and shall include any person owning any royalty or other interest in any oil or its value, whether produced by him, or by some other person on his behalf, either by lease contract or otherwise.
(j) "Engaging in business" means any act or acts engaged in (personal or corporate) by producers, or parties at interest, the result of which, oil is severed from the soil or water, for storage, transport or manufacture, or by which there is an exchange of money, or goods, or thing of value, for oil which has been or is in process of being severed, from the soil or water.
(k) "Barrel" for oil measurement, means a barrel of forty-two (42) United States gallons of two hundred thirty-one (231) cubic inches per gallon, computed at a temperature of sixty (60) degrees Fahrenheit.
(l) "Production" means the total gross amount of oil produced, including all royalty or other interest; that is, the amount for the purpose of the tax imposed by this article shall be measured or determined by tank tables compiled to show one hundred percent (100%) of the full capacity of tanks without deduction for overage or losses in handling. Allowance for any reasonable and bona fide deduction for basic sediment and water, and for correction of temperature to sixty (60) degrees Fahrenheit will be allowed. If the amount of oil produced has been measured or determined by tank tables compiled to show less than one hundred percent (100%) of the full capacity of tanks, then such amount shall be raised to a basis by one hundred percent (100%) for the purpose of the tax imposed by this article.
(m) "Gathering system" means the pipelines, pumps and other property used in gathering oil from the property on which it is produced, the tanks used for storage at a central place, loading racks and equipment for loading oil into tank cars or other transporting media, and all other equipment and appurtenances necessary to a gathering system for transferring oil into trunk pipelines.
(n) "Discovery well" means any well producing oil from a single pool in which a well has not been previously produced in paying quantities after testing.
(o) "Development wells" means all oil producing wells other than discovery wells and replacement wells.
(p) "Replacement well" means a well drilled on a drilling and/or production unit to replace another well which is drilled in the same unit and completed in the same pool.
(q) "Three-dimensional seismic" means data which is regularly organized in three (3) orthogonal directions and thus suitable for interpretation with a three-dimensional software package on an interactive work station.
(r) "Two-year inactive well" means any oil or gas well certified by the State Oil and Gas Board as having not produced oil or gas in more than a total of thirty (30) days during a twelve (12) consecutive month period in the two (2) years before the date of certification.
Sources: Codes, 1942, § 9417-01; Laws, 1944, ch. 134, § 1; Laws, 1983, ch. 503, § 1; Laws, 1994, ch. 545, § 1; Laws, 1995, ch. 531, § 1; Laws, 2009, ch. 492, § 63, eff from and after July 1, 2010.