§ 27-39-321. Limitation on increases of property taxes; special ad valorem tax to cover shortfalls.
(1) With respect to ad valorem taxes levied for each fiscal year, no political subdivision may levy ad valorem taxes in any fiscal year which would render in total receipts from all levies an amount more than the receipts from that source during any one (1) of the immediately preceding three (3) fiscal years, as determined by the levying governing authority, plus, at the option of the taxing authority, an increase not to exceed ten percent (10%) of such receipts. The additional revenue from the ad valorem tax on any newly constructed properties or any existing properties added to the tax rolls or any properties previously exempt, which were not assessed in the next preceding year and cost incurred and paid in the next preceding year in connection with reappraisal may be excluded from the ten percent (10%) increase limitation set forth herein. Taxes levied for school district purposes under any statute and taxes levied for the maintenance and/or construction of roads and bridges under Section 27-39-305 shall be excluded from the ten percent (10%) increase limitation set forth herein. Taxes levied for payment of principal of and interest on general obligation bonds issued heretofore or hereafter shall be excluded from the ten percent (10%) increase limitation set forth herein. Any additional millage levied to fund any new program mandated by the Legislature shall be excluded from the limitation for the first year of the levy and included within such limitation in any year thereafter. The limitation imposed under this paragraph shall not apply to those mandatory levies enumerated in Sections 27-39-320 and 27-39-329.
(2) The limitation of this section may be increased only as provided in subsection (3) or (4) of this section or when the governing body of a political subdivision has determined the need for additional revenues, adopts a resolution declaring its intention so to do and has held an election on the question of raising the limitation prescribed in this section. The notice calling for an election shall state the purposes for which the additional revenues shall be used, the amount of the tax levy to be imposed for such purposes and period of time for which such tax levy shall be made; however, such tax levy shall not be made for more than five (5) successive years. The limitation may be increased under this subsection only if the proposed increase is approved by a majority of those voting. Subject to specific provisions of this paragraph to the contrary, the publication of notice and manner of holding the election shall be as prescribed by law for the holding of elections for the issuance of bonds by the political subdivision. Revenues derived from any taxes levied pursuant to such election shall be excluded from the tax base for the purpose of determining aggregate receipts for which the ten percent (10%) increase limitation applies.
(3) As an alternative to the procedure provided in subsection (2) of this section, the ten percent (10%) increase limitation prescribed in this section may be increased by an additional amount by the board of supervisors of any county without an election thereon if the aggregate receipts from all county levies to which this section and Sections 27-39-305 and 27-39-320 apply do not exceed one hundred ten percent (110%) of the aggregate receipts from all such levies during any one (1) of the immediately preceding three (3) fiscal years, as determined by the board of supervisors.
(4) As an alternative to the procedure provided in subsections (2) and (3) of this section, the board of supervisors of any county or the governing authorities of any municipality may, without an election thereon, increase the ad valorem tax levy to which this section applies by the greater of:
(a) An ad valorem tax levy that does not result in an aggregate levy to which this section applies in excess of twenty (20) mills; or
(b) An ad valorem tax levy that is not in excess of any aggregate levy to which this section applies in any one (1) of the immediately preceding ten (10) fiscal years.
(5) In any county where there is located a nuclear generating power plant on which a tax is assessed under Section 27-35-309(3), the term "total receipts" as used in this section shall be the portion of the "base revenue" as defined in Section 27-39-320 which is used for General Fund purposes.
(6) If a shortfall occurs in revenues from sources other than ad valorem taxes and oil and gas severance taxes budgeted for the county or municipal general fund during the 1987 fiscal year, then the county or municipality, as the case may be, may levy a special ad valorem tax for the 1988 fiscal year in an amount the avails of which shall not exceed such shortfall; provided, however, that the aggregate receipts from all ad valorem levies for the county or municipal general fund for the 1988 fiscal year shall not exceed the aggregate receipts from this source for the immediately preceding fiscal year plus an increase not to exceed twenty percent (20%).
(7) If a shortfall occurs in revenues from oil and gas severance taxes budgeted for the county or municipal general fund during the 1987 fiscal year, then the county or municipality, as the case may be, may levy a special ad valorem tax for the 1988 fiscal year in an amount the avails of which shall not exceed such shortfall. The avails of such special ad valorem tax shall not be included within the ten percent (10%) increase limitation. The ad valorem taxes levied to offset the shortfall shall be deemed to be ad valorem tax receipts produced in the 1988 fiscal year for the purposes of determining the limitation on receipts for the succeeding fiscal years.
Sources: Laws, 1980, ch. 505, § 15; Laws, 1983, ch. 471, § 18; Laws, 1987, ch. 507, § 9; Laws, 1990, ch. 549, § 3; Laws, 1994, ch. 554, § 3, eff from and after July 1, 1994.