§ 29-1-107. Leasing or renting of surface and submerged lands.
(1) The Secretary of State with the approval of the Governor shall, as far as practicable, rent or lease all lands belonging to the state, except as otherwise provided by law for a period of not exceeding one (1) year, and account for the rents therefrom in the same manner as money received from the sale of state lands, provided that no state land shall be rented or leased to individuals, corporations, partnerships, or association of persons for hunting or fishing purposes. Property belonging to the state in municipalities, even though it may have been subdivided into lots, blocks, divisions, or otherwise escheated or was sold to the state by such description, may likewise be leased or rented by the Secretary of State under the terms provided above for other state lands, and the rents accounted for in the same manner. The state shall have all the liens, rights and remedies accorded to landlords in Sections 89-7-1 through 89-7-125; said leases and rental contracts shall automatically terminate on the date provided in said leases or contracts.
(2) (a) The Secretary of State, with the approval of the Governor, may rent or lease surface lands, tidelands or submerged lands owned or controlled by the State of Mississippi lying in or adjacent to the Mississippi Sound or Gulf of Mexico or streams emptying therein, for a period not exceeding forty (40) years for rental payable to the state annually. However, the term of any lease of state public trust tidelands to a person possessing a license under the Mississippi Gaming Control Act shall be governed by the provisions of subsection (4) of this section.
(b) The lessee under such agreement may construct such necessary items for marking channels, docking, wharfing, mooring or fleeting vessels which shall be in aid of navigation and not obstructions thereto.
(c) A lessee of record may be given the option to renew for an additional period not to exceed twenty-five (25) years; however, the term of a renewal for a lease of state public trust tidelands to a person possessing a gaming license under the Mississippi Gaming Control Act shall be governed by the provisions of subsection (4) of this section. The holder of a lease of public trust tidelands, at the expiration thereof, shall have a prior right, exclusive of all other persons, to re-lease as may be agreed upon between the holder of the lease and the Secretary of State.
(d) Leases shall provide for review and rent adjustments at each fifth anniversary tied either to the All Urban Consumer Price Index-All Items (CPI) or to an appraisal which deducts the value of any improvements by the lessee which substantially enhance the value of the land. In the case where the initial rental was based on the value set by the ad valorem tax rolls, then the rent review and adjustment clause shall be likewise based on the value set by such tax rolls. In the event that the lessor and lessee cannot agree on a rental amount, the lease may be cancelled at the option of the lessor. The lessee shall, within thirty (30) days after execution of a sublease or assignment, file a copy thereof, including the total consideration therefor, with the Secretary of State. This paragraph shall not apply to a lease of state public trust tidelands or submerged lands to a person possessing a gaming license under the Mississippi Gaming Control Act who operates a gaming establishment on such tidelands.
(3) Provided, however, the current occupants of public trust tidelands that were developed after the determinable mean high-water line nearest the effective date of the Coastal Wetlands Protection Law shall pay an annual rental based on the fair market value as determined by the assessed valuation of the property. The holder of a lease of public trust tidelands, at the expiration thereof, shall have a prior right, exclusive of all other persons, to re-lease as may be agreed upon between the holder of the lease and the Secretary of State.
(4) (a) This section shall apply to any person possessing a license under the Mississippi Gaming Control Act who operates a gaming establishment in any of the three (3) most southern counties of the state.
(b) The following shall apply to all leases of state public trust tidelands executed by such a licensee:
(i) Every lease executed after August 29, 2005, shall be for a period of thirty (30) years for rental payable to the state annually.
(ii) By operation of this section, any lease executed before August 29, 2005, may, at the option of the lessee, either remain at the term stated in the original execution of the lease or be converted to a thirty-year term lease, beginning on such date after August 29, 2005, that the lessee either resumes or begins permanent gaming activities as approved by the Mississippi Gaming Commission, and the lessee shall be required to comply with all other provisions of the lease. Should the lessee choose to operate in a structure that is not on state public trust tidelands and that is on property contiguous to tidelands leased by the lessee, the lessee shall be required to comply with all other provisions of the lease and shall be exempt from the assessment provided for in paragraph (c) of this subsection. Easements for and rights-of-way for public streets and highways shall not be construed to interrupt the contiguous nature of a parcel of property. In the event that a lessee does not elect either to remain bound by the original term of the lease or to convert the lease to a thirty-year term, the Secretary of State may lease the state public trust tidelands that are the subject of the lease to any other person or entity.
(iii) Leases shall provide for review and rent adjustments at each annual anniversary tied to the All Urban Consumer Price Index-All Items (CPI). In the case of the renewal of a lease after the expiration of the original thirty-year term under this subsection, each renewal shall be for a term of thirty (30) years. The base rate to which the CPI shall apply for purposes of executing the subsequent lease shall be negotiated by the lessee with the Secretary of State.
(c) (i) Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, any person possessing a license under the Mississippi Gaming Control Act who does not lease public trust tidelands from the state or any of its political subdivisions, and who operates a gaming establishment in any of the three (3) most southern counties of the state, shall pay an annual in-lieu tidelands assessment to the Public Trust Tidelands Assessments Fund (hereinafter referred to as "fund") created in Section 29-15-10, in the amount and manner provided for in this paragraph.
For calendar year 2006, the annual in-lieu tidelands assessment paid by the licensee to the fund shall be:
1. Four Hundred Thousand Dollars ($400,000.00), if the capital investment in the part of the structure in which licensed gaming activities are conducted is Fifty Million Dollars ($50,000,000.00) or less.
2. Four Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($450,000.00), if the capital investment in the part of the structure in which licensed gaming activities are conducted is equal to or more than Fifty Million Dollars ($50,000,000.00) but less than Sixty Million Dollars ($60,000,000.00).
3. Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00), if the capital investment in the part of the structure in which licensed gaming activities are conducted is equal to or more than Sixty Million Dollars ($60,000,000.00) but less than Seventy-five Million Dollars ($75,000,000.00).
4. Six Hundred Thousand Dollars ($600,000.00), if the capital investment in the part of the structure in which licensed gaming activities are conducted is equal to or more than Seventy-five Million Dollars ($75,000,000.00) but less than One Hundred Million Dollars ($100,000,000.00).
5. Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars ($700,000.00), if the capital investment in the part of the structure in which licensed gaming activities are conducted is equal to or more than One Hundred Million Dollars ($100,000,000.00) but less than One Hundred Twenty-five Million Dollars ($125,000,000.00).
6. Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($750,000.00), if the capital investment in the part of the structure in which licensed gaming activities are conducted is equal to or more than One Hundred Twenty-five Million Dollars ($125,000,000.00).
For each calendar year thereafter, the Secretary of State shall review and adjust the value of the capital investment and the annual in-lieu tidelands assessment due. Such review and adjustment shall be tied to the CPI.
(ii) This paragraph shall not apply to a gaming licensee if the licensee conducts gaming in a structure that is located on property that is leased from the Mississippi State Port at Gulfport or any political subdivision of the state, or to a licensee who conducts gaming in a structure that is located on property that is leased to the licensee jointly by the State of Mississippi and the City of Biloxi; however, with regard to property owned by a political subdivision of the state, this exception shall only apply to property owned by the political subdivision on August 29, 2005, if legal gaming could have been conducted on such property on that date.
(iii) This paragraph shall not apply to a gaming licensee if the licensee conducts gaming in a structure that is located on property that is not leased from the State of Mississippi and/or a political subdivision of the State of Mississippi and is not on state public trust tidelands, and if the licensee conducted gaming on that property before August 29, 2005.
Sources: Laws, 1986, ch. 454; Laws, 1989, ch. 495, § 8; Laws, 2005, 5th Ex Sess, ch. 15, § 1, eff from and after passage (approved Oct. 17, 2005.)