§ 29-1-79. How purchase money paid.
The land commissioner shall not receive the purchase money of lands; but the same shall be paid into the treasury on the receipt warrant of the auditor of public accounts, as in other cases; and the purchaser shall present to the land commissioner, in payment for the land, the treasurer's receipt for the purchase money, which shall be filed in the land office. In the event a patent has not been finally completed within thirty (30) days after purchase money has been paid into the state treasury, then, upon written request to the state land commissioner by the party making said application to purchase state land, there shall be refunded all money, less fees provided under this chapter, paid upon said application to purchase state land. The land commissioner shall issue a requisition to the state auditor, setting forth the sum of money to be refunded, who shall then issue a warrant upon the state treasurer for said sum of money shown by said requisition; said warrant shall be paid as all other warrants are paid. The application upon which any money is refunded shall be void, and no patent shall be granted thereon.
Sources: Codes, 1892, § 2582; 1906, § 2921; Hemingway's 1917, § 5256; 1930, § 6041; 1942, §§ 4089, 4138; Laws, 1936, ch. 174; Laws, 1940, ch. 212.