§ 37-101-221. Provision for residents of instruction in graduate and professional schools outside state.
The board of trustees of state institutions of higher learning, under such rules and regulations as it shall determine, may provide instruction in graduate and professional schools for qualified students, who are residents of Mississippi, in institutions outside the state boundaries, when such instruction is not available for them in the regularly supported Mississippi institutions of higher learning. The board of trustees shall, by its rules and regulations, determine the qualifications of such students as may be aided by this section, and the decision by the board as to the qualifications of such students shall be final. The board of trustees shall provide such graduate and professional instruction, within the limits of the funds available for this purpose, at a cost to students, not exceeding the cost, as estimated by the board, of such instruction, if it were available at a state supported institution of higher learning in the State of Mississippi.
Sources: Codes, 1942, § 6726.5; Laws, 1948, ch. 282, § 1; Laws, 1962, ch. 372.