§ 37-105-3. Enforcement of traffic rules and regulations; jurisdiction of law enforcement officers employed by certain state universities.
(1) The traffic officers duly appointed by the president of any state institution of higher learning, or any peace officer or highway patrolman of this state, are vested with the powers and authority to perform all duties incident to enforcing such rules and regulations as may be enacted under the authority granted in Section 37-105-1, including the arrest of violators.
(2) The peace officers duly employed by Jackson State University and the University of Southern Mississippi are also vested with the powers and subjected to the duties of a constable for the purpose of preventing all violations of law that occur within five hundred (500) feet of any property owned by the university, if such universities determine that they want such peace officers to exercise such powers and if reasonably determined to have a possible impact on the safety of students, faculty or staff of the university while on said property. Provided, however, that nothing in this section shall be interpreted to require action by any such peace officer appointed by such universities to events occurring outside the boundaries of university property, nor shall any such university or its employees be liable for any failure to act to any event occurring outside the boundaries of property owned by the university. Jackson State University and the University of Southern Mississippi may enter into an interlocal agreement with other law enforcement entities for the provision of equipment or traffic control duties, however, the duty to enforce traffic regulations and to enforce the laws of the state or municipality off of university property lies with the local police or sheriff's department which cannot withhold its services solely because of the lack of such an agreement.
Sources: Codes, 1942, § 6726.7; Laws, 1954, ch. 281, §§ 1-4; Laws, 2007, ch. 599, § 1, eff from and after July 1, 2007.