§ 37-151-10. Center for Education Analysis; powers and duties.
(1) There is established a Center for Education Analysis which shall be an advisory group attached to the Public Education Forum of Mississippi. The Center for Education Analysis shall create a structure to systematically collect, compile and coordinate data that can be disseminated to business, legislative and education entities for decision-making purposes relating to public education. The Center for Education Analysis may enter into a contractual agreement with the Public Education Forum of Mississippi in order to place the Center within the administrative framework of the Public Education Forum under the following conditions:
(a) All new programs authorized in this section are subject to the availability of funds specifically appropriated therefor by the Legislature from the Education Enhancement Fund to the Public Education Forum for the support and maintenance of the programs of the Center for Education Analysis.
(b) The Public Education Forum will provide a business framework to coordinate its recommendations and reports with the programs of the Center for Education Analysis.
(c) The Public Education Forum shall employ a Director for the Center for Education Analysis with appropriate qualifications. Any public funds expended pursuant to this section shall be audited by the Mississippi Department of Audit.
There is created in the State Treasury a special fund to be known as the "Center for Education Analysis Fund." Monies may be expended out of such funds pursuant to appropriation by the Legislature, to implement the public education analysis program established under the provisions of this section. Disbursements from such fund shall be made only upon requisition of the Director for the Center for Education Analysis.
(2) The Center for Education Analysis established in subsection (1) shall develop and submit to the Legislature and the Governor an annual report on the implementation of the Mississippi Adequate Education Program funding formula and the Interim School District Capital Expenditure Fund program. The first report shall be submitted on January 1, 1999, relating to implementation of the adequate education program and interim capital expenditure program activities during the preceding fiscal year, and shall be submitted annually on January 1 of each subsequent year until January 1, 2003, at which time the report shall become a distinct part of the Mississippi Report Card describing the one hundred percent (100%) implementation of the Mississippi Adequate Education Program funding formula. The annual report shall include the following:
(a) A description of the amount of Mississippi Adequate Education Program funds available to each school district during the phase-in period compared to the amount of funds available upon full implementation of the funding formula;
(b) A description of each school district's capital expenditure plan, including:
(i) A listing of the school district facilities to be constructed, purchased, repaired, renovated, remodeled or enlarged, with designation of the nature of each such project as new construction, retrofitting/renovation, or site work and/or preparation;
(ii) For each completed capital improvement project and upon the completion of any approved capital expenditure plan, a listing by individual project of:
(A) The total dimensions of each construction, renovation or site preparation project;
(B) The total project cost in dollars;
(C) The project cost per square foot of newly constructed space or, in the case of renovation, per square foot of the principal structure affected by such renovation;
(D) The total cost of all furniture and equipment per project;
(E) The total amount of nonconstruction fees per project;
(F) The total of other costs associated with the project not otherwise included in items (A) through (E) above; and
(G) The number of classrooms created and/or affected by the project;
(iii) A listing of all school district State Aid Capital Improvement Bonds secured by Mississippi Adequate Education Program funds issued by school districts and the capital improvements funded through such bond issue;
(iv) A description of any other local bond issue proceeds combined with such funds for capital improvement purposes; and
(v) Any other appropriate information relating to capital improvements by school districts as determined by the State Board of Education;
(c) An annual assessment of the impact of additional funding under the Mississippi Adequate Education Program on such school districts with less than a Level III accreditation; and
(d) An annual assessment of the impact of teacher recruitment incentives on the employment of licensed teachers in critical teacher shortage geographic areas, including, but not limited to, all incentive programs authorized under House Bill No. 609, 1998 Regular Session [Laws, 1998, ch. 544].
Sources: Laws, 1998, ch. 544, § 18, eff from and after passage (approved April 13, 1998).