§ 37-159-13. Construction of rental housing; West Tallahatchie school district; selection of developer; funding; liability; operation; priority for residence.
(1) There is established a pilot program to provide for the construction of rental housing units for teachers in the West Tallahatchie School District, which pilot program shall be administered by the State Department of Education. The department may contract with one or more public or private entities to provide assistance in implementing and administering the program. The State Board of Education shall adopt rules and regulations regarding the implementation and administration of the program.
(2) The West Tallahatchie School District shall receive proposals from developers for the construction of the rental housing units, and submit its recommendation to the State Department of Education about which developer should construct the units. The department shall make the final determination about the developer that will construct the units.
(3) After selection of the developer, the department shall loan the developer not more than Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00) for construction of the units. The interest rate on the loan shall be equal to one percent (1%) below the discount rate at the Federal Reserve Bank in the Federal Reserve district in which the school district is located, and the loan shall be repaid in not more than fifteen (15) years, as determined by the department. All funds received by the department as repayment of the principal and interest of the loan shall be deposited in the Mississippi Critical Teacher Shortage Fund. If a claim against the developer for repayment is placed in the hands of an attorney for collection, the obligor shall be liable for an additional amount equal to a reasonable attorney's fee.
(4) The developer shall operate the rental housing units. For a period of ten (10) years or until such time as the loan to the developer is repaid, whichever is longer, the priority for residence in the units shall be given first to teachers employed by the school district, then to other licensed school district employees, and then to any other school district employees.
Sources: Laws, 1998, ch. 544, § 15, eff from and after passage (approved April 13, 1998).