§ 37-3-8. Studies and reports by department of education relating to teaching out of fields and mastery of subject matters.
The state department of education shall conduct the following studies and shall report its findings to the state board of education on July 1, 1984, and the board shall submit these reports to the next regular session of the legislature together with any corrective action taken and with recommendations for any further corrective action that might be required. The studies shall be updated on an annual basis to determine the effectiveness of the corrective action which has been taken:
(a) Teaching out of field. A study shall be conducted to determine the extent to which teachers are teaching out of their fields of certification; the conditions that promote such a practice; and the most appropriate remedies to the problem.
(b) Mastery of subject matter and learning skills. A study shall be conducted to determine the extent to which children master one level of course work before being advanced to the next level; what may be done to assure that progression from one level to another is properly sequenced; and what steps are now being taken to assure that children are progressing satisfactorily toward mastery of the material under study.
Sources: Laws, 1982, Ex Sess, ch. 17, § 7, eff from and after passage (approved December 21, 1982).