§ 37-7-473. Persons to whom property may be disposed; authorized uses.
School buildings, land, property and related facilities may be sold, conveyed, leased or otherwise disposed of under Sections 37-7-471 through 37-7-483, to any group of persons, to any association, club or corporation, or to any county, municipality or other political subdivision, to be used as a civic, community, recreational or youth center, or to be used by any county or district fair association in connection with its activities, or to be used for church purposes, or to be used as a library or other public building, or to be used as a factory or otherwise in connection with an industrial enterprise, or to be used as part of a development activity to stimulate economic development activities within the district, or to enhance property values within the district, or to be used for any similar or related purpose or activity.
Sources: Codes, 1942, § 6328-104; Laws, 1958, ch. 596, § 4; Laws, 2005, ch. 540, § 4, eff from and after passage (approved Apr. 20, 2005.)