§ 39-21-7. Lease or operating agreement with Mississippi Craftmen's Guild.
Upon completion of the construction, furnishing and equipping of the facility to house the Mississippi Craft Center as provided for in this chapter, the Department of Finance and Administration shall enter into a lease, sublease or operating agreement for a period not exceeding twenty (20) years, with The Craftsmen's Guild of Mississippi, Inc. whereunder The Craftsmen's Guild of Mississippi, Inc., shall assume exclusive responsibilities for operating the facility. The benefit to Mississippi from the operation of such lease, sublease or operating agreement shall be considered as sufficient consideration. The lease, sublease or operating agreement shall be executed for a nominal fee and it shall be presumed that such lease shall not amount to a donation of state property.
Sources: Laws, 1997, ch. 501, § 4, eff from and after July 1, 1997.