§ 41-13-39. Trustees may establish day care centers.
The board of trustees of any hospital provided for in Sections 41-13-27 through 41-13-31 shall have full authority in its discretion to operate a child care center for the benefit of its employees and other personnel. Such child care center shall be operated as an integral part of the hospital and, if not located on the premises dedicated for hospital purposes, shall be located on such other real property, whether or not adjacent to the hospital premises, that may be purchased, leased or otherwise provided as in the case of hospitals and other related facilities, by the governing authorities of the counties, cities and towns, supervisors districts or election districts jointly or separately interested in the operation of the hospital. If such child care centers be leased, the rental therefor shall be paid from hospital funds, and the hospital board of trustees may in its discretion make charges to its employees and other personnel for child care services. In the event that child care centers shall hereafter be subject to licensure by an agency of the State of Mississippi other than the licensing agency for hospitals, child care centers established hereunder shall nevertheless be subject to inspection, approval and licensure by the hospital licensing agency.
Sources: Codes, 1942, § 7129-56.5; Laws, 1958, chs. 363, § 4; Laws, 1966, chs. 460, 482; Laws, 1968, ch. 443, § 1, eff from and after passage (approved August 6, 1968).