§ 43-1-27. Action maintainable by department of public welfare to recover benefits wrongfully obtained; attorney's fees; evidence.
(1) Any sums paid to or on behalf of any person, entity or subgrantee or the value of any aid or benefit or services obtained or received under any state or federally funded assistance program as a result of any false statement, misrepresentation, concealment of a material fact, failure to disclose assets, or by whatever means, becomes a debt due to the state department of public welfare. The amount of value of any assistance shall be recoverable from the recipient or his estate in a civil action brought in the name of the state department of public welfare pursuant to this section. In the event such action is brought, the department shall be entitled to recover, in addition to the amount of assistance, a reasonable amount of attorney's fees and its cost incurred therein. Where an attorney from the county attorney's office represents the department in such action, the attorney's fee awarded shall be for the use and benefit of that particular office and shall be forwarded to that office upon receipt by the department.
(2) In any civil action for the recovery of the amount of value of any aid or benefits or services improperly paid to the recipient, proof that a conviction or guilty plea on a misdemeanor or felony charge under Section 97-19-71 shall be deemed prima facie evidence that such assistance was improperly obtained under the provision of this section.
(3) Repayment of the assistance improperly obtained pursuant to this section shall not constitute a defense to or ground of dismissal of criminal charges brought under Section 97-19-71.
For purposes of this and other related sections, any food stamp and coupons issued under a food stamp plan administered by the state department of public welfare shall conclusively be the property of the State of Mississippi.
Sources: Laws, 1983, ch. 408, §§ 1-4, eff from and after passage (approved March 25, 1983).