§ 43-1-29. Offline electronic benefit transfer (EBT) system for food stamps; demonstration project; federal approval and funding.
(1) The Department of Human Services shall develop an offline electronic benefit transfer (EBT) system for the food stamp program in Mississippi as an alternative to issuing food stamp coupons. The EBT system developed by the department under this section shall (a) provide that food stamp benefits are encoded on computer microchips embedded in reusable plastic cards (intelligent benefit cards) and are electronically accessed by households at the point of sale through the use of such cards; and (b) meet all requirements and standards specified in 7 USCS Section 2026(f) and the rules and regulations issued under that provision for approval by the Secretary of the United States Department of Agriculture as a demonstration project.
(2) The department shall finish development of the EBT system no later than November 1, 1993, and shall submit an application to the Secretary of the United States Department of Agriculture for approval to operate the system as a demonstration project. If the EBT system is approved as a demonstration project, the department shall implement and operate the system in one (1) county selected by the department. After the demonstration project has been in operation for one (1) year, the department shall evaluate the EBT system and report to the Legislature on the operation of the system.
(3) The department shall seek to obtain the maximum amount of federal financial participation available to fund the cost of administering the EBT system.
Sources: Laws, 1993, ch. 383, § 2, eff from and after July 1, 1993.