§ 43-1-30. Mississippi TANF Implementation Council. [Repealed effective July 1, 2010].
(1) There is created the Mississippi TANF Implementation Council. It shall serve as the independent, single state advisory and review council for assuring Mississippi's compliance with the federal Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-193), as amended. The council shall further cooperation between government, education and the private sector in meeting the needs of the TANF program. It shall also further cooperation between the business and labor communities, education and training delivery systems, and between businesses in developing highly skilled workers for high skill, high paying jobs in Mississippi.
(2) The council shall be comprised of thirteen (13) public members and certain ex officio nonvoting members. All public members of the council shall be appointed as follows by the Governor:
Ten (10) members shall be representatives from business and industry, provided that no fewer than five (5) members are from the manufacturing and industry sector who are also serving as members of private industry councils established within the state, and one (1) member may be a representative of a nonprofit organization. Three (3) members shall be recipients or former recipients of TANF assistance appointed from the state at large. The ex officio nonvoting members of the council shall consist of the following, or their designees:
(a) The Executive Director of the Mississippi Department of Human Services;
(b) The Executive Director of the Mississippi Department of Employment Security;
(c) The Executive Director of the Mississippi Development Authority;
(d) The State Superintendent of Public Education;
(e) The Director of the State Board for Community and Junior Colleges;
(f) The Executive Director of the Division of Medicaid;
(g) The Commissioner of the Mississippi Department of Corrections; and
(h) The Director of the Mississippi Cooperative Extension Service.
(3) The Governor shall designate one (1) public member to serve as chairman of the council for a term of two (2) years and until a successor as chairman is appointed and qualified.
(4) The term of office for public members appointed by the Governor shall be four (4) years and until their successors are appointed and qualified.
(5) Any vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term by the Governor in the manner of the original appointment, unless otherwise specified in this section.
(6) Public members shall receive a per diem as authorized in Section 25-3-69, for each day actually engaged in meetings of the council, and shall be reimbursed for mileage and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties, as provided in Section 25-3-41.
(7) The council shall:
(a) Annually review and recommend policies and programs to the Governor and the Legislature that will implement and meet federal requirements under the TANF program.
(b) Annually review and recommend policies and programs to the Governor and to the Legislature that will enable citizens of Mississippi to acquire the skills necessary to maximize their economic self-sufficiency.
(c) Review the provision of services and the use of funds and resources under the TANF program, and under all state-financed job training and job retraining programs, and advise the Governor and the Legislature on methods of coordinating such provision of services and use of funds and resources consistent with the laws and regulations governing such programs.
(d) Assist in developing outcome and output measures to measure the success of the Department of Human Services' efforts in implementing the TANF program. These recommendations shall be made to the Department of Human Services at such times as required in the event that the department implements new programs to comply with the TANF program requirements.
(e) Collaborate with the Mississippi Development Authority, local planning and development districts and local industrial development boards, and shall develop an economic development plan for the creation of manufacturing jobs in each of the counties in the state that has an unemployment rate of ten percent (10%) or more, which shall include, but not be limited to, procedures for business development, entrepreneurship and financial and technical assistance.
(8) A majority of the members of the council shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of meetings and all actions of the council shall be by a majority of the members present at a meeting.
(9) The council shall adopt rules and regulations as it deems necessary to carry out its responsibilities under this section and under applicable federal human resources programs.
(10) The council may make and enter into contracts and interagency agreements as may be necessary and proper.
(11) The council is authorized to commit and expend monies appropriated to it by the Legislature for its authorized purposes. The council is authorized to solicit, accept and expend public and private gifts, grants, awards and contributions related to furtherance of its statutory duties.
(12) Funds for the operations of the council shall be derived from federal funds for the operation of state councils pursuant to applicable federal human resources programs and from such other monies appropriated to it by the Legislature.
Sources: Laws, 1993, ch. 614, § 13; Laws, 1997, ch. 316, § 20; Laws, 2004, ch. 572, § 48; reenacted without change, Laws, 2008, 1st Ex Sess, ch. 30, § 48, eff from and after July 1, 2008.