§ 43-21-701. Mississippi Commission on a Uniform Youth Court Systems and Procedures established.
(1) There is hereby established the Mississippi Commission on a Uniform Youth Court System and Procedures. The commission shall consist of the following nineteen (19) members:
(a) One (1) circuit court judge appointed by the Chief Justice of the Mississippi Supreme Court;
(b) One (1) chancery court judge, appointed by the Chief Justice of the Mississippi Supreme Court;
(c) The President of the Mississippi Council of Youth Court Judges, or his designee;
(d) Two (2) who may be either family court judges or county court judges, appointed by the President of the Mississippi Council of Youth Court Judges;
(e) Two (2) youth court referees, appointed by the President of the Mississippi Council of Youth Court Judges;
(f) One (1) member of the Mississippi House of Representatives to be appointed by the Speaker of the House;
(g) One (1) member of the Mississippi Senate to be appointed by the Lieutenant Governor;
(h) The directors of the following state agencies or their designated representatives: the Mississippi Department of Youth Services and the Mississippi Department of Public Welfare;
(i) The director or his designated representative of the Governor's Office of Federal-State Programs;
(j) One (1) employee, other than the director, of the Department of Public Welfare who is a supervisor of social workers primarily assigned to youth cases, appointed by the Governor;
(k) One (1) municipal police chief, appointed by the Governor;
(l) One (1) county sheriff, appointed by the Governor;
(m) Two (2) lawyers experienced in youth court work, appointed by the Governor; and
(n) Two (2) prosecuting attorneys who prosecute cases in youth court, appointed by the Governor.
(2) The members shall be appointed to the commission within fifteen (15) days of May 25, 1988, and shall serve until the end of their respective terms of office, if applicable, or until October 1, 1989, whichever occurs first. Vacancies on the commission shall be filled in the manner of the original appointment. Members shall be eligible for reappointment provided that upon such reappointment they meet the qualifications required of a new appointee.
(3) The commission may elect any officers from among its membership as it deems necessary for the efficient discharge of the commission's duties.
(4) The commission shall adopt rules and regulations governing times and places for meetings and governing the manner of conducting its business. Ten (10) or more members shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting any business of the commission; provided, however, a vote of not less than twelve (12) members shall be required for any recommendations to the Legislature.
(5) Members of the commission shall serve without compensation, except that state and county employees and officers shall receive any per diem as authorized by law from appropriations available to their respective agencies or political subdivisions. All commission members shall be entitled to receive reimbursement for any actual and reasonable expenses incurred as a necessary incident to service on the commission, including mileage as provided by law.
(6) The commission may select and employ a research director who shall perform the duties which the commission directs, which duties shall include the hiring of such other employees for the commission as the commission may approve. The research director and all other employees of the commission shall be in the state service and their salaries shall be established by the commission subject to approval by the State Personnel Board. Employees of the commission shall be reimbursed for the expenses necessarily incurred in the performance of their official duties in the same manner as other state employees. The commission may also employ any consultants it deems necessary, including consultants to compile any demographic data needed to accomplish the duties of the commission.
(7) The Governor's Office of Federal-State Programs shall support the Commission on a Uniform Youth Court System and shall act as agent for any funds made available to the commission for its use. In order to expedite the implementation of the Commission on a Uniform Youth Court System, any funds available to the Governor's Office of Federal-State Programs for the 1988-1989 fiscal year may be expended for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the commission created herein.
(8) The commission may contract for suitable office space in accordance with the provisions of Section 29-5-2, Mississippi Code of 1972. In addition, the commission may utilize, with their consent, the services, equipment, personnel, information and resources of other state agencies; and may accept voluntary and uncompensated services, contract with individuals, public and private agencies, and request information, reports and data from any agency of the state, or any of its political subdivisions, to the extent authorized by law.
(9) In order to conduct and carry out its purposes, duties and related activities as provided for in this act, the commission is authorized to apply for and accept gifts, grants, subsidies and other funds from persons, corporations, foundations, the United States Government or other entities, provided that the receipt of such gifts, grants, subsidies and funds shall be reported and otherwise accounted for in the manner provided by law.
Sources: Laws, 1988, ch. 601, § 1, eff from and after passage (approved May 25, 1988).