§ 43-27-203. Youth Challenge Program; implementation and administration of program by National Guard; issuance of diplomas to participants meeting GED requirements.
(1) There is created under the Mississippi National Guard a program to be known as the "Youth Challenge Program." The program shall be an interdiction program designed for children determined to be "at risk" by the National Guard.
(2) The Mississippi National Guard shall implement and administer the Youth Challenge Program and shall promulgate rules and regulations concerning the administration of the program. The National Guard shall prepare written guidelines concerning the nomination and selection process of participants in the program, and such guidelines shall include a list of the factors considered in the selection process.
(3) Participation in the Youth Challenge Program shall be on a voluntary basis. No child may be sentenced by any court to participate in the program; however, a youth court judge may refer the program to a child when, under his determination, such program would be sufficient to meet the needs of the child.
(4) The Mississippi National Guard, under the auspices of the Challenge Academy, may award an adult high school diploma to each participant who meets the requirements for a general educational development (GED) equivalent under the policies and guidelines of the GED Testing Service of the American Council on Education and any other minimum academic requirements prescribed by the National Guard and Challenge Academy for graduation from the Youth Challenge Program. Participants in the program who do not meet the minimum academic requirements may be awarded a special certificate of attendance. The Mississippi National Guard and the Challenge Academy shall establish rules and regulations for awarding the adult high school diploma and shall prescribe the form for such diploma and the certificate of attendance.
(5) The Mississippi National Guard may accept any available funds that may be used to defray the expenses of the program, including, but not limited to, federal funding, public or private funds and any funds that may be appropriated by the Legislature for that purpose.
Sources: Laws, 1994, ch. 652, § 2; Laws, 1999, ch. 353, § 1, eff from and after July 1, 1999.