§ 43-27-207. Department of Finance and Administration to issue general obligation bonds to provide funds for construction, renovation, repairing, remodeling, equipping, furnishing, adding to or improving juvenile detention facilities; 1994 State Juvenile Detention Facility Construction, Repair and Renovation Fund.
(1) The Department of Finance and Administration, at one (1) time or from time to time, may declare by resolution the necessity for issuance of general obligation bonds of the State of Mississippi to provide funds for construction, repairing, remodeling, equipping, furnishing, adding to, improving and maintaining juvenile detention facilities which shall include temporary and permanent facilities for housing juvenile offenders, a wilderness camp or any other facility used for juvenile detention. Upon the adoption of a resolution by the Department of Finance and Administration, declaring the necessity for the issuance of any part or all of the general obligation bonds authorized by this section, the department shall deliver a certified copy of its resolution or resolutions to the State Bond Commission. Upon receipt of such resolution, the State Bond Commission, in its discretion, may act as the issuing agent, prescribe the form of the bonds, advertise for and accept bids, issue and sell the bonds so authorized to be sold, and do any and all other things necessary and advisable in connection with the issuance and sale of such bonds. The amount of bonds issued under Sections 43-27-201 through 43-27-233 shall not exceed Twenty-one Million One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($21,150,000.00) to provide funds for the purposes hereinabove set forth and to issue and sell bonds in the amount specified.
(2) Out of the total amount of bonds authorized to be issued, funds shall be allocated, except as otherwise provided in subsections (3) and (4), as follows:
Construction, repair, remodeling, equipping, furnishing, adding to, improving and maintaining juvenile detention facilities ............ $ 3,650,000.00
Construction of a one-hundred-fifty-bed, stand alone, medium security juvenile correctional facility for habitual violent male offenders, construction of a one-hundred-bed minimum security juvenile facility for female offenders, an additional, stand alone, fifteen-bed maximum security juvenile correctional facility for female offenders, construction of staff housing facilities, treatment facilities and any other facilities and related construction deemed appropriate by the Bureau of Building, Grounds and Real Property Management ............ $15,500,000.00
Renovation and repair of infrastructure and facilities, including replacement or repair of furnishings and equipment ............ $ 2,000,000.00
TOTAL ............ $21,150,000.00
(3) It is expressly provided, however, that if any funds of the Fifteen Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($15,500,000.00) provided for Oakley and Columbia Training Schools in subsection (2) (b) of this section remain after the completion of such project, such remaining funds shall be used for renovation and repair at Oakley and Columbia Training Schools in addition to the funds provided in subsection (2) (c) of this section.
(4) A special fund, to be designated the "1994 State Juvenile Detention Facility Construction, Repair and Renovation Fund," is created within the State Treasury. The fund shall be maintained by the State Treasurer as a separate and special fund, separate and apart from the General Fund of the state, and investment earnings on amounts in the fund shall be deposited into such fund. The expenditure of monies deposited into the fund shall be under the direction of the Department of Finance and Administration, and such funds shall be paid by the State Treasurer upon warrants issued by the Department of Finance and Administration. Monies deposited into such fund shall be allocated and disbursed according to Section 43-27-207(2) (b), (c) and (d).
Sources: Laws, 1994, ch. 652, § 4; Laws, 1997, ch. 494, § 1; Laws, 1999, ch. 522, § 91, eff from and after passage (approved Apr. 15, 1999.)