§ 43-27-23. Board and lodging for superintendents.
The superintendents of the Mississippi training schools may each receive free lodging in his respective institution for himself and his family, but not free board nor free supplies from the institution. Upon each superintendent's election to receive board for himself and family from the institution, the Department of Human Services shall enter on the minutes in advance the names and ages of the members of the family and fix the charges for their board at the average cost of table board in that community, but in no event at an amount less than the cost of said board to said institution, and said board so fixed shall be paid by the superintendent into the State Treasury before his salary for the next succeeding month shall be paid. The department shall make a detailed and itemized statement thereof to the Legislature. The same restrictions shall apply to all members of the clerical force of the institutions.
Sources: Codes, 1930, § 7294; 1942, § 6784; Laws, 1928, chs. 66, 68; Laws, 1990, ch. 522, § 25, eff from and after July 1, 1990.