§ 43-33-305. Securities for public funds.
Such notes, bonds, debentures, including obligations of the Federal National Mortgage Association and the Government National Mortgage Association or their successors, are hereby made eligible to be used as security for public funds in any depository selected and qualifying as a depository for public funds, and may be used as security or for deposit where any kind of bonds or other securities are required or may by law be deposited or accepted as security, including the deposit with the state treasurer by insurance companies for the security and benefit of policyholders. However, notes and other securities as are insured by the Federal Housing Administrator under Title I of the National Housing Act, as amended, are excepted from this provision.
Sources: Codes, 1942, § 7293; Laws, 1936, chs. 171, 172, § 3; Laws, 1938, ch. 358, § 3; Laws, 1969, Ex Sess, ch. 34, § 3, eff from and after passage (approved October 7, 1969).