§ 43-33-707. Appointment of officers; executive director; secretary; treasurer; employment of counsel.
(1) The corporation shall appoint, and prescribe the duties of, such officers (who need not be directors) as the corporation deems necessary or advisable, including an executive director and a secretary (who may be the same person), and the corporation shall fix the compensation of such officers. The executive director shall be appointed with the advice and consent of the Senate and shall serve at the will and pleasure of the board. The executive director shall administer, manage and direct the affairs and business of the corporation, subject to the policies, control and direction of the directors of the corporation. The secretary of the corporation shall keep a record of the proceedings of the corporation and shall be custodian of all books, documents and papers filed with the corporation, the minute book or journal of the corporation, and its official seal. He shall have authority to cause copies to be made of all minutes and other records and documents of the corporation and to give certificates under the official seal of the corporation to the effect that the copies are true copies, and all persons dealing with the corporation may rely upon the certificates. The treasurer shall be the custodian of the assets of the corporation, except for those assets required by contracts with bondholders to be in the custody of the trustee. The directors of the corporation shall set the investment policy for assets, and the executive director shall be responsible for making investments in accordance with such policy. The treasurer may delegate all or a portion of his duties and responsibilities to the executive director.
(2) The corporation shall have the authority, in its discretion, to employ counsel on an annual basis at an annual salary at an amount it deems proper. Such counsel may, in addition to an annual salary, be paid additional compensation when employed by the corporation in the matter of litigation and the issuance of bonds and the drafting of orders and resolutions in connection therewith.
Sources: Laws, 1989, ch. 525, § 5; Laws, 2000, ch. 627, § 5, eff from and after passage (approved May 23, 2000.)