§ 45-11-45. Places of public amusement; how constructed.
Every place for public amusement shall have at least the following arrangements for the safety of those attending there: The seats shall be located in rows with spaces between the seats adequate for easy ingress and egress, and an aisle of at least four (4) feet in width shall run between the rows on the lowest floor, if there be more than one (1) floor, from the commencement of the seats toward the place of performance, exhibition, or speaking, as far as the seats are located, and, if there be only one (1) floor, then between the rows on that floor, and also an aisle of at least three (3) feet in width shall be made to run along the outward ends of the rows of seats and next to the walls, and also around or along the ends of all rows of seats wherever located; and all aisles shall be kept unobstructed towards places of egress. All seats shall be located in rows, to which the aisles shall conform. There shall be as many doors for egress for those in attendance, not less than two (2) at either end or side of the building, as can be made consistently with the proper strength of the structure. All scenery shall be made as secure against becoming inflamed as reasonably practicable, and all reasonably practicable arrangements shall be made for the supply of water or other means for extinguishment of fires, and they shall be kept constantly effective during the presence of the audience. In cities of over ten thousand (10,000) inhabitants a fireproof drop curtain of sufficient dimensions to cover the entire front of the stage shall be so hung that, upon an alarm of fire originating upon, or in rear of stage, it may be promptly dropped so as to prevent the fire from communicating with the auditorium.
Sources: Codes, 1892, § 2089; 1906, § 2273; Hemingway's 1917, § 4640; 1930, § 4700; 1942, § 7011.