§ 45-3-19. Regulations governing discipline, uniforms, supplies, and the like.
The commissioner shall have authority, with the approval of the governor, to make needful and proper rules and regulations governing the proper discipline of the members of the patrol, of selecting, designing and effecting an appropriate uniform therefor, and prescribing outfits and equipment and supplies necessary and proper to carry out the objects of this chapter. The commissioner shall provide the same as well as such weapons, vehicles and equipment as shall be necessary and proper and shall be responsible therefor. The commissioner, with the approval of the governor, shall, from time to time, establish headquarters and substations, as he shall deem it advisable for the objects and purposes of such an organization and for the enforcement of the laws, rules and regulations hereinabove provided, and to that end he may, with the approval of the governor acquire the right to use lands and buildings for the accommodation of members of said organization and properties and equipment.
Sources: Codes, 1942, § 8087; Laws, 1938, ch. 143; Laws, 1944, ch. 331, § 2.