Chapter 5 - Correctional System.
- 47-5-1 - Policy of state in operation and management of correctional system; independent internal examinations.
- 47-5-2 - Corrections Investigative Taskforce created.
- 47-5-3 - Facilities of the correctional system; their purposes and locations.
- 47-5-4 - Definitions.
- 47-5-5 - Limited centralization of facilities.
- 47-5-6 - Repealed.
- 47-5-7 - Seal.
- 47-5-8 - Department of Corrections; creation; divisions; succession to interests of State Penitentiary and State Probation and parole board.
- 47-5-9 - Repealed.
- 47-5-10 - Department of Corrections; general powers and duties.
- 47-5-11 - Repealed.
- 47-5-12 - Repealed.
- 47-5-13 - Repealed.
- 47-5-14 - Repealed.
- 47-5-15 - Repealed.
- 47-5-16 - Repealed.
- 47-5-17 - Repealed.
- 47-5-18 - and 47-5-19. Repealed.
- 47-5-20 - Powers and duties of commissioner.
- 47-5-21 - Repealed.
- 47-5-23 - Management and control of correctional system to be vested in Department of Corrections.
- 47-5-24 - Commissioner of Corrections; appointment; compensation; qualifications; bond.
- 47-5-25 - Repealed.
- 47-5-26 - Commissioner of Corrections; employment of deputy commissioners, administrative assistant for parole matters, and prison superintendents.
- 47-5-27 - Repealed.
- 47-5-28 - Additional powers and duties of commissioner.
- 47-5-29 - Repealed.
- 47-5-30 - Commissioner of Corrections; development of five-year strategic plan for operation of state correctional system.
- 47-5-31 - Reports by commissioner; inventory.
- 47-5-33 - Commissioner authorized to administer oaths, and to summon and examine witnesses.
- 47-5-35 - Auditor for correctional system.
- 47-5-37 - Fiscal comptroller, bookkeepers, and assistants; maintenance of modern accounting system; commissioner to sign warrants.
- 47-5-39 - Repealed.
- 47-5-41 - Employees' oath of office.
- 47-5-43 - Workers' compensation coverage.
- 47-5-45 - Repealed.
- 47-5-47 - Nepotism prohibited; employees not to be interested in contracts.
- 47-5-49 - Employees not to engage in other business.
- 47-5-51 - Repealed.
- 47-5-53 - Repealed.
- 47-5-54 - Status of employees as peace officers; promulgation and enforcement of speed limits upon grounds of correctional facilities.
- 47-5-55 - Exemption from jury service.
- 47-5-56 - Lease of property; operating funds; disposal of income; transfer of property.
- 47-5-57 - Repealed.
- 47-5-58 - Sales by commissary to persons or agencies.
- 47-5-59 - Repealed.
- 47-5-60 - Repealed.
- 47-5-61 - Repealed.
- 47-5-62 - Repealed.
- 47-5-63 - Repealed.
- 47-5-64 - Agricultural leases of prison lands to private entities; reservation of additional land for agricultural projects of Department of Corrections.
- 47-5-65 - Repealed.
- 47-5-66 - Agricultural leases of prison lands to private entities; procedures; methods of payment of rents; disposal of income; fee per acre in lieu of ad valorem taxes [Repealed effective July 1, 201
- 47-5-67 - Repealed.
- 47-5-69 - Repealed.
- 47-5-70 - "Board," and "lessee" defined.
- 47-5-71 - Construction or pavement of roads.
- 47-5-73 - Repealed.
- 47-5-75 - Suits by or against board of corrections; tort liability insurance.
- 47-5-76 - Payment of court costs for inmate's civil action against Department employee pertaining to condition of confinement.
- 47-5-77 - Remission to State Treasurer of funds belonging to correctional system; payment of bills and accounts of correctional system.
- 47-5-78 - Creation of the "Lambert State Forest Revolving Fund".
- 47-5-79 - How purchases to be made.
- 47-5-81 - , 47-5-83. Repealed.
- 47-5-85 - Chapel for religious worship; chaplain.
- 47-5-87 - No gasoline or motor oil to be sold.
- 47-5-89 - No solicitation nor contribution for political purposes.
- 47-5-91 - Transportation of children of employees to school; payment of tuition.
- 47-5-93 - Governor to make inspections.
- 47-5-94 - Annual structural and environmental inspections; report of findings.
- 47-5-95 - Officials to be admitted to places where offenders kept and worked; visitors to correctional system facilities.
- 47-5-97 - Repealed.
- 47-5-99 - Creation of classification hearing officers and disciplinary hearing officers.
- 47-5-101 - Meetings and minutes of classification and disciplinary hearing officers.
- 47-5-103 - Powers and duties of classification hearing officer and classification board as to classification of offenders.
- 47-5-104 - Demotion of offender or forfeiture of earned time.
- 47-5-105 - Entry of bids, bills, and invoices in minutes before award or payment; copies to be sent.
- 47-5-107 - Cancellation of contracts.
- 47-5-108 - Self-sustaining food facilities established at certain penitentiary and correctional facilities; Employee Cafeteria Funds.
- 47-5-109 - Operation of inmate canteen facilities; Canteen Fund.
- 47-5-110 - Commitments to be to department and not to particular institutions or facilities; transfers of offenders; community prerelease program; conditions; immunity for commissioner of corrections;
- 47-5-111 - Transportation of offenders to correctional system facilities; processing of offenders at receiving stations.
- 47-5-112 - Repealed.
- 47-5-113 - Offenders of the United States courts.
- 47-5-115 - Offenders whose capital sentences are commuted.
- 47-5-116 - Installation of "Biddle guard" on vehicle transporting prisoner.
- 47-5-117 - Repealed.
- 47-5-119 - Initial search of offender; disposition of money found thereon; misappropriation of offender's money.
- 47-5-120 - Transfer of offender for observation, diagnosis and treatment; board of examiners established to examine condition of certain offenders.
- 47-5-121 - Separation of sexes.
- 47-5-122 - Agricultural production as part of disciplinary or other programs; contracts for federal subsidies.
- 47-5-123 - Repealed.
- 47-5-124 - Uniform designations for offenders; restrictions on possession of radios, televisions and similar electronic devices; restrictions on weight lifting programs.
- 47-5-125 - Repealed.
- 47-5-126 - Working of inmates.
- 47-5-127 - Repealed.
- 47-5-128 - Repealed.
- 47-5-129 - Offenders to work certain roads; Sunflower County.
- 47-5-131 - Offenders to work certain roads; Quitman County.
- 47-5-132 - Housing of prisoners; "hot racking", tents and "double bunking".
- 47-5-133 - Drainage of correctional system property; restriction on working of offenders off correctional system property.
- 47-5-134 - Offenders to work for Habitat for Humanity or the Fuller Center for Housing, Inc.
- 47-5-135 - and 47-5-136. Repealed.
- 47-5-137 - Use of offenders as servants prohibited; exception.
- 47-5-138 - Earned time allowances; earned release supervision; promulgations of rules and regulations; forfeiture generally; release of offender; phase-out of earned time release.
- 47-5-139 - Certain inmates ineligible for earned time allowance; commutation to be based on total term of sentences; forfeiture of earned time in event of escape.
- 47-5-140 - Earned time handbook.
- 47-5-141 - Repealed.
- 47-5-142 - Meritorious earned time.
- 47-5-143 - and 47-5-145. Repealed.
- 47-5-147 - Governor may authorize payment of reward for apprehension of escaped offender.
- 47-5-149 - United States offenders subject to the laws of the state.
- 47-5-151 - Death of prisoner; investigations, inquests, and autopsies; fees; penalties.
- 47-5-153 - Repealed.
- 47-5-155 - Discharged offenders revolving fund.
- 47-5-157 - Written discharge or release, clothing, money and bus ticket furnished to discharged or released offender.
- 47-5-158 - Inmate Welfare Fund.
- 47-5-159 - through 47-5-171. Repealed.
- 47-5-173 - Granting of leave for personal reasons.
- 47-5-175 - Agreements to transfer state offenders to federal facilities.
- 47-5-177 - Notice requirements prior to release of offenders.
- 47-5-179 - Department of Corrections to deduct nonemergency medical expenses from inmate accounts.
- 47-5-181 - Conversion of community work centers to pre-release centers.
- 47-5-183 - Department of Corrections may create a postconviction DNA database.
- 47-5-191 - Definitions.
- 47-5-192 - Possession of prohibited items by persons other than offenders.
- 47-5-193 - Prohibitions generally.
- 47-5-194 - Prohibition against possession of cash or negotiable instruments; limitations upon prohibition; confiscation of money found in excess of allowable amounts; disposition of moneys confiscated
- 47-5-195 - Penalties for violations.
- 47-5-196 - Mandatory drug testing of employees of Department of Corrections.
- 47-5-198 - Sale, possession, or use of controlled substances or narcotic drugs within facilities; knowledge by employees; punishment for violations.
- 47-5-201 - through 47-5-209. Repealed.
- 47-5-301 - Short title.
- 47-5-303 - Declaration of purpose.
- 47-5-305 - Authorization to purchase materials and engage supervisory personnel; sale of products to public; contracts with private enterprise.
- 47-5-307 - Purchase of penitentiary-made goods by other state agencies; state and commercial specifications.
- 47-5-309 - Repealed.
- 47-5-311 - Catalogues.
- 47-5-313 - Summary reports of goods purchased by other state agencies.
- 47-5-315 - Priority of production requirements.
- 47-5-317 - Determination of prices.
- 47-5-319 - Annual audit reports.
- 47-5-321 - Promulgation of policies.
- 47-5-323 - Expenditure of appropriations; deposit of collected monies in prison industries fund.
- 47-5-325 - Repealed.
- 47-5-327 - Construction of provisions.
- 47-5-329 - Prison industries advisory council; members; compensation.
- 47-5-331 - Lease of buildings at Parchman facility; provisions of lease.
- 47-5-351 - State policy; legislative intent; mission.
- 47-5-353 - Definitions.
- 47-5-355 - Director of prison agricultural enterprises; duties and powers; records; annual report; joint ventures.
- 47-5-357 - Purchasing policy; items exempted from bid requirements.
- 47-5-401 - Public service work programs; eligibility; limitation.
- 47-5-403 - Definitions.
- 47-5-405 - Joint state-county work programs; sheriff to adopt regulations.
- 47-5-407 - Work camps.
- 47-5-409 - Escapes.
- 47-5-411 - Criteria for public service work.
- 47-5-413 - Earned time credit.
- 47-5-415 - Passes and leaves.
- 47-5-417 - Status of participating inmate.
- 47-5-419 - Delegation of functions.
- 47-5-421 - Provisions cumulative.
- 47-5-431 - Use of prisoners in county jails to pick up trash; earned time credit; escapes.
- 47-5-433 - Use of State Highway vehicles to pick up trash bagged by inmates.
- 47-5-441 - Use of county prisoners to preserve and maintain certain historic cemeteries and use of county prison labor to prepare and serve food in county or public facilities in conjunction with cert
- 47-5-451 - Joint state-county work programs; eligibility; limitations.
- 47-5-452 - Offenders to clean up abandoned or neglected cemeteries and public roads of the county.
- 47-5-453 - Adoption of regulations and policies.
- 47-5-455 - Establishment of work camps.
- 47-5-457 - Escapes.
- 47-5-459 - Criteria for public service and private sector work.
- 47-5-461 - Earned time credit.
- 47-5-463 - Passes and leaves.
- 47-5-465 - Status of participating inmate.
- 47-5-467 - Delegation of functions.
- 47-5-469 - Provisions cumulative.
- 47-5-501 - Legislative intent.
- 47-5-503 - Repealed.
- 47-5-505 - Selection and evaluation of suitable industries; negotiation of leases and other agreements; ratification.
- 47-5-507 - Vocational training of offenders; employment subsequent to release.
- 47-5-509 - Security for facilities; employment status of offenders.
- 47-5-511 - Repealed.
- 47-5-513 - Disposition of funds received.
- 47-5-515 - Work training programs for offenders in trades for which there is a shortage of workers; cooperation with private industry.
- 47-5-517 - Work program for data processing entry at Central Mississippi Correctional Facility.
- 47-5-531 - Short title of Sections 47-5-531 through 47-5-575.
- 47-5-533 - Legislative findings.
- 47-5-535 - Legislative intent.
- 47-5-537 - Formation of nonprofit corporation; programs of Division of Vocational Rehabilitation not to be prison industries.
- 47-5-539 - Definitions.
- 47-5-541 - Board of directors of corporation; chief executive officer; industry advisory board; compensation of directors; rules and regulations; duties of chief executive officer.
- 47-5-543 - Lease of existing prison industries to corporation; exception for agricultural enterprises land, equipment, etc.
- 47-5-545 - Procedures for establishing new prison industries.
- 47-5-547 - Training programs or auxiliary programs associated with prison industries.
- 47-5-549 - Entities to whom prison made goods or services may be sold; purchases of raw materials; prices of goods or services.
- 47-5-551 - Property of prison industry program reverts to department upon dissolution or expiration of lease.
- 47-5-553 - Chief executive officer of corporation to communicate with Commissioner of Corrections regarding security at facility; communication as to needed improvements.
- 47-5-555 - Use of inmate labor.
- 47-5-557 - Inmate not agent, employee or involuntary servant of corporation; exception.
- 47-5-559 - Annual report on status of correctional work programs; financial statements; audit of corporation.
- 47-5-561 - Authority of corporation to request appropriations from general fund; repayment of funds; funds to be maintained in interest-bearing accounts.
- 47-5-563 - Department may adopt rules governing use of inmates by corporation; corporation to establish policies relating to use of inmates; filing of rules and policies.
- 47-5-565 - Corporation to authorize expenditures from Prison Industries Fund.
- 47-5-567 - Inmates ineligible for unemployment compensation or worker's compensation.
- 47-5-569 - Department to lease all or none of work programs at any one correctional institution; disposition of rent paid by corporation; approval of leases.
- 47-5-571 - Unauthorized sales of prison-made goods or services prohibited.
- 47-5-572 - Private correctional facilities prohibited from importing goods made by inmates in another state. [Repealed effective July 1, 2011].
- 47-5-573 - Master plan for correctional work programs; needs of corporation considered in assigning and transferring prisoners.
- 47-5-575 - Records of corporation subject to public records act.
- 47-5-577 - Repealed.
- 47-5-601 - Establishment of program by Department of Corrections.
- 47-5-603 - Participation in program; submission to chemical analysis test.
- 47-5-605 - Fees and costs for administering chemical analysis test.
- 47-5-701 - Short title. [Repealed effective July 1, 2012].
- 47-5-703 - Definitions. [Repealed effective July 1, 2012].
- 47-5-705 - Requirements for declaration of state of emergency. [Repealed effective July 1, 2012].
- 47-5-707 - Notice of overcrowded prison conditions; 30-day report of overcrowded prison conditions. [Repealed effective July 1, 2012].
- 47-5-709 - Thirty-day report by State Parole Board. [Repealed effective July 1, 2012].
- 47-5-711 - Powers of Governor upon receipt of reports. [Repealed effective July 1, 2012].
- 47-5-713 - Advancement of parole eligibility dates during state of emergency. [Repealed effective July 1, 2012].
- 47-5-715 - Weekly certification of population figures during state of emergency; termination of state of emergency. [Repealed effective July 1, 2012].
- 47-5-717 - Sixty-day report of overcrowded prison conditions. [Repealed effective July 1, 2012].
- 47-5-719 - Powers of Governor upon receipt of report. [Repealed effective July 1, 2012].
- 47-5-721 - Termination of state of emergency by order of Governor. [Repealed effective July 1, 2012].
- 47-5-723 - Revocation of conditional advancement of parole eligibility date. [Repealed effective July 1, 2012].
- 47-5-725 - Conditions of advancement of parole eligibility date. [Repealed effective July 1, 2012].
- 47-5-727 - Advancement of parole eligibility date to be independent of other adjustments. [Repealed effective July 1, 2012].
- 47-5-729 - Establishment and quarterly certification or alteration of operating capacities. [Repealed effective July 1, 2012].
- 47-5-731 - Repeal of Sections 47-5-701 through 47-5-729.
- 47-5-801 - Authority to adopt administrative review procedure.
- 47-5-803 - Procedure constitutes administrative remedies available to offenders for purpose of preserving cause of action against state.
- 47-5-805 - Application of procedures to pending lawsuits.
- 47-5-807 - Judicial review of agency decision.
- 47-5-901 - Service of sentence in county jail if space unavailable in state facility; reimbursement of costs; governmental liability. [Repealed effective July 1, 2012].
- 47-5-903 - Other conditions under which sentence may be served in county jail; governmental liability. [Repealed effective July 1, 2012].
- 47-5-905 - Processing and classification of inmates. [Repealed effective July 1, 2012].
- 47-5-907 - Removal of state inmate from county jail; petition; grounds; immunity from liability. [Repealed effective July 1, 2012].
- 47-5-909 - Incarceration in county jails as temporary measure only. [Repealed effective July 1, 2012].
- 47-5-911 - Repeal of Sections 47-5-901 through 47-5-911 [Repealed effective July 1, 2012].
- 47-5-931 - Authorization for incarceration of state offenders at county or regional correctional facility.
- 47-5-933 - Contracts for incarceration of state offenders in county facilities; medical care.
- 47-5-934 - Extension of contracts for incarceration in event of disruption due to natural disaster.
- 47-5-935 - Sheriff of county designated Chief Corrections Officer for facility; responsibilities; additional compensation.
- 47-5-937 - Exercise of power and authority regarding facility; exemption from certain requirements or restrictions.
- 47-5-938 - Offenders in counties to participate in work programs; implementation; reimbursement of costs incurred due to utilization of offenders; offender's compensation fund; canteen operations fund
- 47-5-939 - Housing pretrial detainees, county offenders and other persons.
- 47-5-940 - Authorization for drug and alcohol treatment pilot program at Bolivar County Regional Facility [Repealed effective July 3, 2010].
- 47-5-941 - Authorization to contract with certain Wilkinson County authorities for private incarceration of state inmates.
- 47-5-942 - Authorization to contract with a county to be determined by Department of Corrections for maximum security regional correctional facility.
- 47-5-943 - Juvenile offenders; contracts for incarceration; maximum age; compliance with standards and statutes.
- 47-5-945 - Contract restrictions; time; terms; medical care of offenders.
- 47-5-947 - Regimented inmate discipline program; implementation at all facilities.
- 47-5-949 - Continuing education; high school level degree; vocational education.
- 47-5-951 - Alcohol and drug counseling and treatment.
- 47-5-953 - Construction of subsequent facilities; locations; requirements and standards.
- 47-5-1001 - Definitions. [Repealed effective June 30, 2012].
- 47-5-1003 - Intensive supervision program; eligibility; procedure; time limits; program violations; notice to Department of Corrections; participation in program during term of probation; report on ef
- 47-5-1005 - Rules and guidelines for operation of intensive supervision program; approval and leasing of electronic monitoring devices. [Repealed effective after June 30, 2012].
- 47-5-1007 - Payment of monthly fee by participant who is employed; special fund; responsibilities of participant; notice regarding violation of detention. [Repealed effective after June 30, 2012].
- 47-5-1009 - Immunity of department; audit. [Repealed effective after June 30, 2012].
- 47-5-1011 - Prior notification of participant and co-residents regarding nature and extent of electronic monitoring devices; damage to equipment; noncriminal environment to be maintained. [Repealed ef
- 47-5-1013 - Conditions for participation in intensive supervision program. [Repealed effective after June 30, 2012].
- 47-5-1014 - Monthly supervision fee for those participating in program since July 1, 2004 [Repealed effective June 30, 2012].
- 47-5-1015 - Repeal of §§ 47-5-1001 through 47-5-1015 [Repealed effective June 30, 2012].
- 47-5-1101 - Short title.
- 47-5-1103 - Definitions.
- 47-5-1105 - Contracts for special needs facilities and services; eligibility of inmate for special needs facility; rates and benefits standards.
- 47-5-1107 - Standards for design, construction, maintenance, and operation of facilities.
- 47-5-1109 - Term limits on contracts for operation and construction of facilities.
- 47-5-1111 - Private "correctional officers" of contractors; use of force and firearms restricted; training.
- 47-5-1113 - Employee training.
- 47-5-1115 - Prerequisites for contracting for correctional services.
- 47-5-1117 - Plan for resumption of state control of facility upon termination of contract.
- 47-5-1119 - Monitoring of contracts and facilities by commissioner and medical director.
- 47-5-1121 - Nondelegable responsibilities.
- 47-5-1123 - Repealed.
- 47-5-1201 - Legislative intent and purpose.
- 47-5-1203 - Repealed.
- 47-5-1205 - Board to provide for construction and equipping of additional housing and support facilities.
- 47-5-1207 - Board to select suitable sites for various public and private facilities.
- 47-5-1209 - Noxubee County Prison Work Program.
- 47-5-1211 - Contracts for private correctional facilities or services; experience of contractor; rates and benefits standards.
- 47-5-1213 - Term limits on contracts for operation and construction of facilities; conveyance of facilities to state.
- 47-5-1215 - Private "correctional officers" of contractors; use of force and firearms restricted; training.
- 47-5-1217 - Employee training.
- 47-5-1219 - Prerequisites for contracting for correctional services; defense of suits or claims.
- 47-5-1221 - Plan for resumption of state control of facility upon termination of contract.
- 47-5-1223 - Contract compliance officer.
- 47-5-1225 - Nondelegable responsibilities.
- 47-5-1227 - Restrictions on employment of public officials and employees by private entities.
- 47-5-1229 - Correctional Facilities Emergency Construction Fund.
- 47-5-1251 - Prison Industry Enhancement Program; creation.
- 47-5-1301 - United States jurisdiction over correctional facilities and grounds.
- 47-5-1351 - Interstate Correction Compact; purpose and policy; definitions; contracts; procedures and rights; extradition; federal aid; when compact becomes effective; withdrawal and termination; cons
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