§ 49-17-45. Small Business Stationary Source Technical and Environmental Compliance Assistance program; Small Business Compliance Advisory Panel.
(1) The Mississippi Commission on Environmental Quality, acting through the Department of Environmental Quality, shall establish and administer, in accordance with the Federal Clean Air Act, the Mississippi Small Business Stationary Source Technical and Environmental Compliance Assistance Program (PROGRAM).
(2) There is created the Mississippi Small Business Compliance Advisory Panel. The Mississippi Small Business Compliance Advisory Panel shall consist of the following members, the term of each to be concurrent with the term of the appointing official of that member:
(a) One (1) member representing the Air Pollution Control Program of the Department of Environmental Quality;
(b) Two (2) members who are not owners or representatives of owners of a small business, appointed by the Governor;
(c) Two (2) members who each shall be the owner or representatives of an owner of a small business, appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives; and
(d) Two (2) members who each shall be the owner or representatives of an owner of a small business, appointed by the Lieutenant Governor.
(3) The panel shall elect one (1) member to serve as chairman. The panel shall meet at the call of the chairman at Jackson, Mississippi, or such other places within the state designated by the panel; however, the panel shall not meet more than four (4) times during a calendar year.
(4) Members of the Mississippi Small Business Compliance Advisory Panel shall serve without salary, but each shall be entitled to receive per diem as provided in Section 25-3-69 and his actual travel and hotel expenses incurred while in the performance of his duties as a member of the committee in accordance with Section 25-3-41. Per diem and expenses shall be paid on an itemized statement approved by the State Fiscal Officer from fees collected under Section 49-17-30.
(5) The Mississippi Small Business Compliance Advisory Panel shall:
(a) Render advisory opinions concerning:
(i) The effectiveness of the Small Business Stationary Source Technical and Environmental Compliance Assistance Program;
(ii) Difficulties encountered; and
(iii) Degree and severity of enforcement;
(b) Make periodic reports to the Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concerning the compliance of the State Small Business Stationary Source Technical and Environmental Compliance Assistance Program with the requirements of the federal Paperwork Reduction Act, the federal Regulatory Flexibility Act, and the federal Equal Access to Justice Act;
(c) Review information for small business stationary sources to assure such information is understandable by the layperson; and
(d) Have the Small Business Stationary Source Technical and Environmental Compliance Assistance Program serve as the secretariat for the development and dissemination of such reports and advisory opinions.
Sources: Laws, 1993, ch. 611, § 8, eff from and after passage (approved April 16, 1993).