§ 49-19-63. Seed trees.
All trees left for seed trees in compliance with the provisions of Sections 49-19-51 through 49-19-75 shall be thrifty trees of desirable species with well formed crowns, uninjured from tapping, cutting or logging operations and as well distributed over the acre as may be possible. No seed tree left standing subsequent to the provisions of the aforementioned sections shall be cut except for clearing land for actual cultivation until other trees of the same species and in sufficient numbers as required by this act for seed trees have grown to be of eight inches or more in diameter. For the purpose of such sections three diameter measurements shall be taken outside of the bark and twelve inches above the ground for pine trees, and above the swell for hardwood trees. Black Jack and scrub oak shall not be considered as seed trees.
Sources: Codes, 1942, § 6046-16; Laws, 1944, ch. 240, § 7.