§ 5-3-97. State agencies and entities to cooperate with committee; employment of experts and other staff.
All political subdivisions, state agencies, and all other creatures of the state of Mississippi are hereby authorized and directed to assist the committee and to provide it with such professional, technical, and other expertise as each may possess when requested so to do. After an affirmative finding that professional, technical, or other expertise is needed that cannot be provided by the aforesaid political subdivisions, state agencies, and other creatures of the state, then the committee may employ or contract for such professional, technical, or other expertise necessary to accomplish the apportionment. The committee may employ staff personnel as it deems necessary.
Sources: Laws, 1977 2d Ex Sess, ch 23, § 1(4); Laws, 1981, ch. 304, § 1, eff from and after passage (approved February 2, 1981).