§ 51-33-93. Dissolution of district without construction; petition; notice.
Whenever, after the expiration of the said period of three years, five or more landowners of any such district, or a majority of the landowners of any such district, excluding lands owned by the state, or any landowner or owners owning more than fifty per cent of the total acreage of said district, excluding the acreage owned by the state, shall sign and file with the clerk of the chancery court by which such district was organized, or in the county in which such district was organized, a petition for the dissolution of such drainage district, it shall be the duty of such clerk to give notice thereof by publishing said notice for three consecutive weeks in a newspaper published in said county, or in each of the counties in which lands of the district lie. Said notice shall be addressed to all persons interested in said drainage district and shall command them to appear before the said chancery court at a place named within the said chancery court district on a day certain in term time, or before the chancellor in vacation, not earlier than twenty days nor more than sixty days after the date of the first publication of said notice, and show cause, if any they can, why said drainage district should not be dissolved. Upon the first publication of said notice, all proceedings of every kind of said drainage district and of the commissioners of the said drainage district shall be discontinued until the hearing of said cause as herein provided.
Sources: Codes, 1930, § 4508; 1942, § 4734; Laws, 1924, ch. 256; Laws, 1934, ch. 229.