§ 51-9-175. Appointment; oath; badge; powers; reimbursement by district.
(1) The board of directors of the district may appoint and commission qualified persons as reservoir patrol officers of the district. Any such reservoir patrol officer so appointed shall be certified by the Board of Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Training or in accordance with the Board on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Training and shall attain certification or recertification within one (1) year of appointment, and shall at all times be answerable and responsible to the board of directors of the district.
(2) A reservoir patrol officer appointed and commissioned as provided in subsection (1) of this section shall, before entering upon his duties as such officer, take the oath of office prescribed by Section 268, Mississippi Constitution of 1890, which shall be endorsed upon his commission. The commission, with the oath endorsed upon it, shall be entered in the official minute book of the district.
(3) A reservoir patrol officer appointed and commissioned pursuant to the provisions of this article, shall, while engaged in the performance of his duties, carry on his person a badge identifying him as a reservoir patrol officer of the district and an identification card issued by the district. When in uniform, each such reservoir patrol officer shall wear his badge in plain view.
(4) A reservoir patrol officer may exercise the same powers of arrest and the right to bear firearms that may be exercised by any state, municipal or other police officer in this state, but only with respect to violations of law or violations of regulations adopted pursuant to Section 51-9-127, which are committed on the property owned by the district. This includes property which is owned by the district but has been leased or rented to other parties. Any right granted under this subsection in no way relieves the requirements of appropriate affidavit and warrant for arrest from the appropriate jurisdiction and authority pursuant to the laws of this state.
(5) On behalf of each person who is trained as a reservoir patrol officer at the Mississippi Law Enforcement Officers' Training Academy, the district shall be required to pay to the academy at least an amount equal to the per student cost of operation of said academy as tuition.
Sources: Laws, 1978, ch. 511, § 3; Laws, 2000, ch. 316, § 2; Laws, 2008, ch. 480, § 1, eff from and after July 1, 2008.