§ 53-3-157. Protection against pollution or against escape of natural gas or compressed air; property rights.
The State Oil and Gas Board shall issue such orders, rules and regulations as may be necessary for the purpose of protecting any such underground storage reservoir, stratum or formation against pollution or against the escape of natural gas or compressed air therefrom, including such necessary rules and regulations as may pertain to the drilling into or through such underground storage reservoir, stratum or formation.
All natural gas or compressed air which has previously been reduced to possession and which is subsequently injected into an underground storage reservoir, stratum or formation shall at all times be deemed the property of the injector, his successors and assigns, and in no event shall such natural gas or compressed air be subject to the right of the owner of the surface of the lands or of any mineral interest therein under which such underground storage reservoir, stratum or formation shall lie or be adjacent to or of any person other than the injector, his successors and assigns, to produce, take, reduce to possession, waste or otherwise interfere with or exercise any control thereover; provided, that the State Oil and Gas Board shall have entered an order, either before or after the enactment hereof, approving such underground storage reservoir, stratum or formation.
Sources: Codes, 1942, § 6132-134; Laws, 1971, ch. 436, § 4; Laws, 1992, ch. 344 § 6, eff from and after passage (approved April 20, 1992).