§ 53-9-123. Authority with regard to land affected by noncoal mining practices; agreement of landowner; required findings; limitations on expenditure of funds.
The commission shall have the authority granted in Sections 53-9-107(1) and 53-9-109, as applied to land or water resources that have been adversely affected by mining practices other than coal mining practices, only upon the agreement of the current landowner(s). The commission shall have this authority only after making the findings required by Section 53-9-107(1)(a) and (b), as modified to reflect that the effects were caused by noncoal mining practices. Funds shall not be expended from the Abandoned Mine Lands Reclamation Account on lands adversely affected by mining or processing practices other than coal mining or processing practices unless and until the landowner(s) agrees to abide with all provisions of Section 53-9-113. This section does not limit the authority of the commission to perform any act authorized by the Mississippi Air and Water Pollution Control Law, Section 49-17-1 et seq., the organic act of the commission, Section 49-2-1 et seq., or the Mississippi Surface Mining and Reclamation Law, Section 53-7-1 et seq.
Sources: Laws, 2001, ch. 426, § 15, eff from and after July 1, 2001.