§ 55-15-5. Powers and duties of commission.
Said commission is authorized, empowered and directed to make a careful study and examination of the battlefields of Brice's Crossroads and Tupelo (or Harrisburg), located in Lee County, Mississippi; to identify and establish the lines of Confederate soldiers, especially those from the State of Mississippi, their various maneuvers and positions, and whenever possible, to make authoritative publication of same; and to designate such historic, memorable spots with markers, monuments or other suitable means of identification.
Said commissioners will cooperate with similar commissioners that may be appointed by the legislatures of Tennessee, Alabama and Kentucky, these four states furnishing practically all the Confederate troops engaged in both battles. Said commission is authorized to receive any contributions in money or donations of land that might be made by patriotic citizens to carry out the objects and purposes of Sections 55-15-1 through 55-15-7; to make expenditures necessary to publish authoritative accounts of said battles; to erect suitable markers; to acquire options or titles to parts or all of said battlefields; and to hold same in the name and for the benefit of the State of Mississippi, all to the end that these sacred, blood-stained battlefields may be ultimately established and permanently maintained as memorial parks in everlasting honor to the heroism of the Confederate soldiers participating in said conflicts and as historic areas for the benefit of future generations.
Sources: Codes, 1942, § 6018; Laws, 1936, ch. 311.