§ 59-21-11. Application for certificate of number.
The owner of any vessel required to be numbered under this chapter shall apply, within ten (10) days from the date of acquisition of the vessel, to the commission, on forms provided, for a certificate of number. The application for a number shall include the following:
(a) Name and address of owner.
(b) Date of birth of owner.
(c) Social Security number or driver's license number of the owner.
(d) Present citizenship of owner (county, state, country).
(e) County in which the vessel is principally used.
(f) Present number (if any).
(g) Hull material (wood, steel, aluminum, plastic, other).
(h) Type of propulsion (outboard, inboard, other).
(i) Type of fuel (gas, diesel, other).
(j) Length of vessel.
(k) Make and year built (if known).
(l) Statement as to use (pleasure, livery, dealer, manufacturer, commercial-passenger, commercial-fishing, commercial-other).
(m) A certification of ownership by the applicant.
(n) Serial number of outboard motor, boat and trailer owned by the applicant.
(o) Signature of owner.
(p) A receipt, sales or otherwise, which shows whether or not a sales or use tax was paid at the time of the purchase of the vessel. If the vessel was purchased outside the State of Mississippi, from and after July 1, 1978, and the tax for the privilege of using or consuming tangible personal property imposed by Section 27-67-5 was not paid at the time the vessel was acquired, then the owner shall be required to pay the tax as provided by the Mississippi Use Tax Law before a certificate of number can be issued.
Sources: Codes, 1942, § 8496-07; Laws, 1960, ch. 165, § 7; Laws, 1962, ch. 220, § 4; Laws, 1964, ch. 468, § 3; Laws, 1968, ch. 361, § 56; Laws, 1975, ch. 468, § 1; Laws, 1978, ch. 454, § 1; Laws, 1995, ch. 606, § 1, eff from and after July 1, 1995.