§ 59-21-17. Contents of certificate of number; duties of commission; release of information on vessels; fees and charges for copying, certifying or searching records.
(1) The certificate of number shall include the following:
(a) Name and address of owner.
(b) Date of birth of owner.
(c) Present citizenship of owner (county, state, country).
(d) County in which vessel is principally used.
(e) Present number (if any).
(f) Hull material (wood, steel, aluminum, plastic, other).
(g) Type of propulsion (outboard, inboard, other).
(h) Type of fuel (gas, diesel, other).
(i) Length of vessel.
(j) Make and year built (if known).
(k) Statement as to use (pleasure, livery, dealer, manufacturer, commercial-passenger, commercial-fishing, commercial-other).
(l) A certificate of ownership by the applicant.
(m) Signature of owner.
(n) Number awarded to vessel.
(o) Expiration date of certificate.
(p) Notice to the owner that he shall report within fifteen (15) days changes of ownership or address, and destruction or abandonment of vessel.
(q) Notice to the owner that the operator shall:
(i) Always carry this certificate on vessel when in use.
(ii) Report every accident involving injury or death to persons, or property damage over One Hundred Dollars ($100.00).
(iii) Stop and render aid or assistance if involved in a boating accident.
(2) The commission shall furnish and ensure that the forms required by this section and Section 59-21-13 are stocked at various county offices, boat companies, fishing camps, marinas, with enforcement officers, and at such other places as to make them available to boat owners. The commission shall award certificates of number and shall keep current a consolidated record of all certificates of numbers awarded and renewals of numbers.
(3) Upon request, information on ownership and identity of numbered vessels shall be available to federal, state and local officials, as needed, in any enforcement or assistance programs. The records pertaining to the numbering of undocumented vessels pursuant to this chapter are considered to be public records. Information based on such records may be released upon oral or written inquiry, subject only to reasonable restrictions necessary to carry on the business of the office. The commission may permit excerpts to be made or the copying or reproduction thereof by a private individual or concern. The fees and charges for copying, certifying or searching of records for information shall be assessed in accordance with usual fees allowed for such services.
Sources: Codes, 1942, § 8496-10; Laws, 1960, ch. 165, § 10; Laws, 1968, ch. 361, § 58; Laws, 1975, ch. 468, § 3; Laws, 1986, ch. 364, § 3, eff from and after July 1, 1987.