§ 59-9-67. Reclamation of submerged lands and tidelands; conveyance of lands by state; lease or sale of lands and facilities by county.
(1) For the purposes set out in subsection (1) of Section 59-9-65, the board of supervisors of such county, acting by and through the county port authority, and with the supervision and approval of the Mississippi Agricultural and Industrial Board, shall have the power to dredge, fill in and reclaim submerged lands and tidelands belonging to the State of Mississippi; and the state land commissioner, with the approval of the attorney general and the governor, is hereby authorized and empowered to convey such reclaimed submerged lands and tidelands to such county and to issue the state's patent therefor, but all oil, gas and other minerals in, on or under said lands are hereby specifically reserved unto the State of Mississippi. Such county, acting through its county port authority, shall have the further power to develop and utilize such lands for any of such purposes, provided, however, that no normal or natural channel shall be obstructed so as to interfere with the normal navigation therein.
(2) The board of supervisors of such county, acting jointly with the county port authority, and with the approval of the Mississippi Agricultural and Industrial Board, shall have the power to lease such lands, for a term not in excess of ninety-nine years from the date of such lease, or to sell or otherwise dispose of such land to the State of Mississippi, or to individuals, firms or corporations, public or private, for industrial operations, on such terms and conditions and with such safeguards as will best promote and protect the public interest, and they are hereby authorized to transfer possession and/or title to any part or all of such lands by deed, lease, contract, or other customary business instrument.
(3) Any facilities constructed or acquired for use on such lands under the provisions of Section 59-5-11, including, but not limited to machinery or equipment, may be leased for a term not in excess of ninety-nine years from the date of such lease, or sold, or otherwise disposed of to the State of Mississippi or to individuals, firms or corporations, public or private, for industrial operations, on such terms and conditions, with such safeguards as will best promote and protect the public interest, and subject to the limitations set out in Section 59-5-11, and the board of supervisors of such county, acting jointly with the county port authority, and with the approval of the Mississippi Agricultural and Industrial Board, is authorized to transfer possession and/or title to any part, or all of such facilities, machinery or equipment by deed, lease, contract, or other customary business instrument.
Sources: Codes, 1942, § 7605-23; Laws, 1956, ch. 199, § 23; Laws, 1967, Ex. Sess. ch. 6, §§ 1-3, eff from and after passage (approved June 29, 1967).