§ 61-1-45. Commission orders.
Every order of the commission requiring performance of certain acts or compliance with certain requirements, and every denial or revocation of an approval, certificate or license, shall set forth the reasons and shall state the acts to be done or requirements to be met before approval by the commission will be given or the approval, license or certificate granted or restored or the order modified or changed. Orders issued by the commission pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be served upon the persons affected either by registered mail or in person. In every case where notice and opportunity for hearing are required under the provisions of this chapter the order of the commission shall, on not less than thirty days' notice, specify a time when and place where the person affected may be heard, or the time within which he may request hearing. Such order shall become effective upon the expiration of the time for exercising such opportunity for hearing, unless a hearing is held or requested within the time provided, in which case the order shall be suspended until the commission shall affirm, disaffirm or modify such order after hearing held or default by the person affected. To the extent practicable, hearings on such orders shall be held in the county where the affected person resides or does business. Any person aggrieved by an order of the commission or by the grant, denial or revocation of any approval, license or certificate may have the action of the commission reviewed by the circuit court of Hinds County, Mississippi, on appeal thereto.
Sources: Codes, 1942, § 7536-22; Laws, 1948, ch. 189, § 17, eff from and after July 1, 1948.