§ 61-5-5. General powers of municipalities as to establishment, acquisition, operation, etc., of airports and air navigation facilities.
Every municipality is authorized, out of any appropriations or other moneys made available for such purposes, to plan, establish, develop, construct, enlarge, improve, maintain, equip, operate, regulate, protect and police airports and air navigation facilities, either within or without the territorial limits of such municipality including the construction, installation, equipment, maintenance and operation at such airports of buildings and other facilities for the servicing of aircraft or for the comfort and accommodation of air travelers, and the purchase and sale of supplies, goods and commodities as an incident to the operation of its airport properties. For such purposes the municipality may use any available property that it may now or hereafter own or control and may, by purchase, gift, devise, lease, eminent domain proceedings or otherwise, acquire property, real or personal, or any interest therein including easements in airport hazards or land outside the boundaries of an airport or airport site, as are necessary to permit safe and efficient operation of the airport or to permit the removal, elimination, obstruction marking or obstruction lighting of airport hazards or to prevent the establishment of airport hazards.
The municipality may by purchase, gift, devise, lease, eminent domain proceedings or otherwise, acquire existing airports and air navigation facilities. However, it shall not acquire or take over any airport or air navigation facility owned or controlled by another municipality or public agency without the consent of such municipality or public agency.
All air navigation facilities established or operated by municipalities shall be supplementary to and coordinated in design and operation with those established and operated by the federal and state governments.
Sources: Codes, 1942, § 7545-02; Laws, 1958, ch. 513, § 2.