§ 63-19-29. Issuance of subpoenas; administration of oaths; enforcement of subpoenas, etc.
The administrator shall have power to issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents, papers, books, records and other evidence before him in any matter over which he has jurisdiction, control or supervision pertaining to this chapter. The administrator shall have the power to administer oaths and affirmations to any person whose testimony is required.
If any person shall refuse to obey any such subpoena, or to give testimony, or to produce evidence as required thereby, any judge or chancellor of the chancery court of the first judicial district of Hinds County may, upon application and proof of such refusal, make an order awarding process of subpoena, or subpoena duces tecum, out of said court, for the witness to appear before the administrator and to give testimony, and to produce evidence as required thereby. Upon filing such order in the office of the clerk of the said chancery court, the clerk shall issue process of subpoena, as directed, under the seal of said court, requiring the person to whom it is directed, to appear at the time and place therein designated.
If any person served with any such subpoena shall refuse to obey the same, and to give testimony, and to produce evidence as required thereby, the administrator may apply to any judge or chancellor of the chancery court of the first judicial district of Hinds County for an attachment against such person, as for a contempt. The judge, or chancellor, upon satisfactory proof of such refusal, shall issue an attachment, directed to any sheriff, constable or police officer, for the arrest of such person, and upon his being brought before such judge, proceed to a hearing of the case. The judge, or chancellor, shall have power to enforce obedience to such subpoena, and the answering of any question, and the production of any evidence, that may be proper by imposition of a fine, not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00), or by imprisonment in the county jail, or by both imposition of a fine and imprisonment, and to compel such witness to pay the costs of such proceeding to be taxed.
Sources: Codes, 1942, § 8075-12; Laws, 1958, ch. 495, § 25, eff from and after 90 days after passage (approved April 22, 1958).