§ 69-13-11. Stock law districts in counties with sea walls.
In counties in the State of Mississippi wherein sea walls or similar structures are constructed and maintained by the county, and in which there are two or more municipalities, each of which have ten thousand inhabitants or more, the board of supervisors in such counties may, by ordinance, create a stock law district of such area adjoining such sea wall or structure as such board may determine and adjudicate, not to extend more than one mile from such sea wall. The ordinance which may be so adopted by the board of supervisors creating such a stock law district may prohibit live stock such as cattle, horses, mules, jacks, jennets, sheep, goats, or hogs, running at large within the territory so designated as the stock law district, and such ordinance so adopted by the board of supervisors shall provide the method in which such stock law may be enforced in said district, and the penalty for the violation thereof, shall be in accordance with the provisions of the general statewide stock law.
The board of supervisors is hereby authorized and empowered to accept donations, grants or gifts from any private individual, corporation or organization, for the purpose of building and constructing fence or fences as necessary to protect such area.
Sources: Codes, 1942, § 4869; Laws, 1938, ch. 291.