§ 69-3-115. Appeals.
Any person desiring a change in the rules and regulations or to appeal from the action of the state seed certifying agency shall have the right of a hearing either in person or by attorney before a board of appeals composed of the state commissioner of agriculture and commerce, the director of the agricultural and forestry experiment station of Mississippi State University of Agriculture and Applied Science, and the president of Mississippi State University of Agriculture and Applied Science, at such time and place as the board chairman shall designate. The director of the agricultural and forestry experiment station of Mississippi State University of Agriculture and Applied Science shall serve as chairman of the board. The aggrieved party may appeal to the circuit court of the county wherein he may reside and bond shall be given to cover court costs within ten days after rendition of the order of the said board, upon which appeal is made.
Sources: Codes, 1942, § 4398-08; Laws, 1952, ch. 170, § 8.