§ 69-3-29. Administrative procedures; evidentiary hearings.
(1) When a written complaint is made against a person for violation of this article, or any of the rules or regulations, the commissioner, or his designee, shall conduct a full evidentiary hearing. The complaint shall be in writing and shall be filed in the office of the department. The commissioner shall serve the accused with a copy of the complaint and a summons by any of the methods set forth in Rule 4 of the Mississippi Rules of Civil Procedure or by certified mail. Within thirty (30) days after receipt of the summons and a copy of the complaint, the accused shall file a written answer with the department. Upon receipt of the written answer of the accused, the matter shall be set for hearing before the commissioner within a reasonable time. If the accused fails to file an answer within the thirty (30) days, the commissioner may enter an order by default against the accused. The commissioner may issue subpoenas to require the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents. Compliance with the subpoenas may be enforced by any court of general jurisdiction in this state. The testimony of witnesses shall be upon oath or affirmation, and they shall be subject to cross-examination. The proceedings shall be recorded. If the commissioner determines that the complaint lacks merit, he may dismiss same. If he finds that there is substantial evidence showing that a violation has occurred, he may impose any or all of the following penalties upon the accused: (a) levy a civil penalty in the amount of no more than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) for each violation; (b) revoke or suspend any license or permit issued to the accused under the terms of this article; (c) issue a stop sale order; (d) require the accused to relabel a lot of seed that he is offering or exposing for sale which is not labeled in accordance with this article; or (e) seize any lot of seed that is not in compliance with this article and destroy, sell or otherwise dispose of the seed and apply the proceeds of the sale to the costs and civil penalties levied with the balance to be paid to the accused. The decision of the commissioner, or his designee, shall be in writing, and it shall be delivered to the accused by certified mail.
(2) Either the accused or the department may appeal the decision of the commissioner to the circuit court of the county of residence of the accused or, if the accused is a nonresident of the State of Mississippi, to the Circuit Court of the First Judicial District of Hinds County, Mississippi. The appellant shall have the record transcribed and file it with the circuit court. The appeal shall otherwise be governed by all applicable laws and rules affecting appeals to circuit court. If no appeal is perfected within the required time, the decision of the commissioner shall then become final.
(3) The decision of the circuit court may then be appealed by either party to the Mississippi Supreme Court in accordance with the existing law and rules affecting such appeals.
(4) When any violation of this article, or the rules and regulations occurs, or is about to occur, that presents a clear and present danger to the public health, safety or welfare requiring immediate action, any of the department's field inspectors, and any other persons authorized by the commissioner may issue an order to be effective immediately before notice and a hearing that imposes any or all of the following penalties against the accused: (a) issue a stop sale order; (b) require the accused to relabel a lot of seed that he is offering or exposing for sale and which is not labeled in accordance with this article; or (c) seize any lot of seed that is not in compliance with this article and destroy, sell or otherwise dispose of the seed and apply the proceeds of the sale to the cost and any civil penalties levied with the balance to be paid to the accused. The order shall be served upon the accused in the same manner that the summons and complaint may be served upon him. The accused shall then have thirty (30) days after service of the order upon him within which to request an informal administrative review before the Director of the Bureau of Plant Industry in the department, or his designee, who shall act as reviewing officer. If the accused makes a timely request, the reviewing officer shall conduct an informal administrative review within ten (10) days after the request is made. If the accused does not request an informal administrative review within the thirty (30) days, then he will be deemed to have waived his right to the review. At the informal administrative review, subpoena power shall not be available, witnesses shall not be sworn nor be subject to cross-examination and there shall be no court reporter or record made of the proceedings. Each party may present its case in the form of documents, oral statements or any other method. The rules of evidence shall not apply. The reviewing officer's decision shall be in writing, and it shall be delivered to the parties by certified mail. If either party is aggrieved by the order of the reviewing officer, he may appeal to the commissioner for a full evidentiary hearing in accordance with the procedures in subsection (1) of this section, except that there shall be no requirement for a written complaint or answer to be filed by the parties. The appeal shall be perfected by filing a notice of appeal with the commissioner within thirty (30) days after the order of the reviewing officer is served on the appealing party. The hearing before the commissioner, or his designee, shall be held within a reasonable time after the appeal has been perfected. Failure to perfect an appeal within the allotted time shall be deemed a waiver of such right.
(5) The procedures described herein shall not apply to seed arbitration claims which are described in Section 69-3-19, as such claims shall be governed by the procedures set forth in that statute.
Sources: Laws, 2000, ch. 623, § 8, eff from and after July 1, 2000.