§ 69-7-263. Assessment on eggs; costs of inspections; utilization of proceeds of assessment.
There is hereby imposed and levied an assessment at a rate not to exceed Three Cents (3) per case on all eggs produced in Mississippi wherever distributed or marketed and on all eggs marketed in Mississippi wherever distributed or produced. The rate of assessment shall be determined by the board. At the time of the sale, the egg producer shall provide evidence that all assessments provided herein have been paid. However, if the first sale of the eggs is made to a dealer or distributor, the producer shall pay to the dealer or the distributor the amount of the assessment owed; whereupon the dealer or distributor to whom such payment is made shall remit the assessment to the Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce in accordance with the rules and regulations established and promulgated by the board. The board or the commissioner shall have the power to cause any duly authorized agent or representative to enter upon the premises of any dealer or handler of eggs and examine, or cause to be examined by such agent, any books, papers and records which deal in any way with respect to the payment of the assessment or enforcement of the provisions of this article.
All costs incurred by the board or the commissioner in examining or causing the examination of such books, papers and records shall be taxed against the dealer or handler. Cost shall be assessed at the rate of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per day or fraction thereof for each agent conducting the examination. Travel expenses shall be assessed in the manner and amount specified in Section 25-3-41, and other expenses shall be assessed at actual cost. All costs taxed against a dealer or handler for the examination of books, papers and records shall be paid within fifteen (15) days from the date such notice of cost is mailed to the dealer or handler.
The proceeds of the assessment levied under this article shall be collected by the Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce in such manner and method as shall be prescribed by him in accordance with the provisions of this article. The funds derived from the assessment shall be paid into the State Treasury on or before the fifteenth day of each month and shall be deposited in a special fund in the State Treasury, which shall be established by the State Treasurer to the credit of the Mississippi Egg Marketing Board, and such funds shall be used by the board solely for the administration of this article. All costs, expenses and obligations incurred by the board for its operation and carrying out the purposes of this article shall be paid out of the special fund herein provided for after expenditures thereof shall have been authorized by the Legislature. Provided further, that the Mississippi Egg Marketing Board shall render to the Mississippi Legislature a detailed annual report of all collections and expenditures of the moneys collected under the provisions of this article. Any egg producer may request and receive a refund of the amount of assessment paid for the previous reporting period, provided he makes a written application with the Mississippi Egg Marketing Board within sixty (60) days from date of payment supported by bona fide copy of payment voucher and copy of canceled check. The application forms shall be prepared by the board and shall be available at the request of the producer. All such applications shall be processed and refunds paid within sixty (60) days after the funds have been received by the board.
Sources: Laws, 1973, ch. 427, § 7; Laws, 1976 ch. 374, § 7; Laws, 1979, ch. 346, § 7; Laws, 1981, ch. 308, § 7; reenacted, 1983, ch. 314, § 7; reenacted and amended, 1987, ch. 506, § 7; reenacted, 1991, ch. 331, § 7; reenacted without change, Laws, 1996, ch. 475, § 7, eff from and after July 1, 1996.