§ 75-67-109. Misleading advertising.
It shall be a violation of this article for any licensee to advertise, print, display, publish, broadcast or permit to be advertised, printed, displayed, published or broadcast, in any manner whatsoever, any statement or representation with regard to rates, terms or conditions of lending money or for arranging, negotiating, procuring, or guaranteeing any loan or loans for any person which is false, misleading or deceptive. It shall also be a violation of this article for any licensee to offer or give to any borrower or prospective borrower any premium of any sort, whether by cash, check or goods or merchandise as an inducement to the making, brokering or renegotiation of any loan.
Sources: Codes, 1942, § 5591-05; Laws, 1958, ch. 170, § 5, eff from and after July 1, 1958.