§ 75-76-173. Resolution of claim by patron; judicial review; appeal to Supreme Court of decision of circuit court; judicial review provided as exclusive method of review; costs of record on review.
(1) Any party aggrieved by the final decision in the circuit court after a review of the decision and order of the commission may appeal to the Supreme Court in the manner and within the time provided by law for appeals in civil cases. The Supreme Court shall follow the same procedure thereafter as in appeals in civil actions and may affirm, reverse or modify the decision as the record and law warrant.
(2) The judicial review by the circuit and Supreme Courts afforded in this chapter is the exclusive method of review of the commission's actions, decisions and orders in hearings held pursuant to Sections 75-76-159 through 75-76-165, inclusive.
(3) The party requesting judicial review shall bear all of the costs of transcribing and of transmitting the record on review.
Sources: Laws, 1990 Ex Sess, ch. 45, § 88, eff from and after passage (approved June 29, 1990).